For those of you who remember Arkham City’s Calendar Man, April 1st was one of a few very special dates hinted at by the villain.
Those who visited the imprisoned Calender Man at the Solomon Wayne Courthouse were treated to this delightfully creepy story:
Well, well, well, Batman, you listened well. You appear to understand the importance of dates, don’t you? Let me tell you about this day, this day of fools.
I remember clearly that I watched her for days, waiting for the perfect moment. It was cold that March; it felt like spring would never come.
They drank coffee and she confessed her life lacked surprises. For six more days I watched.
April 1st, 5:22 a.m., I finished cutting through the brake lines of her car.
From the camera I placed on her dash, I saw her panic. My only regret? She couldn’t hear me yell, ‘Surprise!’
If that didn’t at least make you shift in your seat a little, Calender Man also had a very special message for the caped crusader:
“Mother’s Day, time to pay. Remember to give your mother a call, Batman. Then come back and see me.”
It's too bad that Batman’s parents are dead, huh? Calender Man is a dick.
[Via VentureBeat]