Earlier today, we got confirmation that next Thursday, the 27th, will be not only Pokemon Day once again, but will feature a Pokemon Presents. Since that announcement was given, players have been speculating about what kind of announcements can be expected at the presentation. Most people expect a certain “Legends” title to finally make a return, giving us both a good look at the game itself and when it’ll arrive on Nintendo Switch. However, fans also wonder if the long-rumored Pokemon Black and White remaster/remake will be announced or teased. This isn’t just a random thought they have, though.
The reason that many are suspecting this to happen is two-fold. First, we know that Gen V is the next generation to get the remaster treatment, as Gen IV got its “brilliant and shining” remaster for the Nintendo Switch back in 2021. That means there’s been a “good gap” between remaster/remake entries, so now might be the time to jump into Gen V. The other reason comes from PokeBeach, which tracks the trading card booster packs that The Pokemon Company releases.
In a new update, there was mention of Japan getting some new booster packs set in Unova called “Black Bolt” and “White Flare,” a reference to the legendary Pokemon of the region. It’s expected to hit Japan in June and the US in July.
While that may not “mean much” right now, it is perfect timing for a potential third reason that this could happen: The Nintendo Switch 2.
By all estimates, the console should arrive in June or July, and Nintendo has made it clear that it’s doing all it can to help Switch users transition over to the Switch 2 easily by having a nice software lineup for them to enjoy. Thus, having a Pokemon Black and White remaster/remake on the docket for its “opening year” would be a great way to start things off while we wait for Gen 10.
While most people are expecting a “simple visual remaster” for Gen V, there is potential to take things to a new level. Part of that reason is that Gen V is one of only two generations in the franchise not to get a third game but instead get “sequel titles” that continued the story and showcased the region in a new way.
Thus, The Pokemon Company could somehow merge the two stories to create something new. The Pokemon Presents is only a week away, so we won’t have to wait long to get some answers.