When it comes to PC ports of games, how well they do depends on two key factors. First, is the game an actual quality port, and second, is it a game that many people have been eager to get their hands on? Square Enix hasn’t had the best years recently, despite releasing some big, well-received titles. That can be proven easily via Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, which was a PS5 exclusive throughout all of 2024, and the sales of the game weren’t as strong as many hoped, which was why the PC port would be something to keep an eye on.
Fast forward to now, and it’s been over a week since its release on PC/Steam, and that’s led one industry analyst to declare that it had a “fantastic” launch on Steam, with it being the #1 title for its release week. Plus, there was a bundle of the first two entries in the remake saga on Steam, and that was #3 for the week:
Now, there are some pieces of context that we need to note here, and one of the first is that this doesn’t necessarily mean that the game is a best-selling hit. As one commenter noted, this same analysis made a similar prediction for another title, the Xbox/PC release of Indiana Jones’ new title, and that game ended up much lower on the overall sales list when the numbers were all tallied.
So, while this is a good start to things for the game, it’s fair that we need to wait a little more to see how well its overall performance is. Even if it’s only a mild success on Steam and PC, Square Enix will likely be encouraged enough to push forward with multiplatform releases in the future.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth was built to be its “next killer software,” and while it rocked on the critical side of things and won many awards, the sales didn’t even match the first entry in the “Remake Saga.” That, alongside the release of the 16th entry in its beloved RPG franchise, made Square Enix lose a lot of money, and it had to do some serious “restructuring” to try and fix everything. Going multiplatform with numerous titles seems to be the plan for them, but it’ll take multiple entries to see if things work out.
No matter what, the third and final part of the “Remake Saga” is coming, and fans are eager to see what happens with it.