Nintendo has shared five of the games coming to the eShop this February. Given the age of the Switch and the recent announcement of its successor, it’s great to see that the console is still getting treated to great new games and awesome remasters.
Nintendo has taken the liberty of highlighting five games coming to the eShop over on their news page. These five highlights feature everything from classic remasters to new highly anticipated AAA games.
Five Games Coming to The eShop this February
11th February
- Civilization VII – $59.99
12th February
- Urban Myth Disollution Center – $17.99
13th February
- Tiny Terry’s Turbo Trip – $17.99
14th February
- Tomb Raider IV, V, VI Remastered $26.99
- Afterlove EP – Price To Be Announced
The above prices may vary depending on your region and eShop, you can check out the listings here.
Five very different games from a slice-of-life visual novel and rhythm game to a highly anticipated remaster of the classic Tomb Raider series and even Civilization VII a renowned real-time strategy game. Civilization VII is going to include a lot of updates over previous games including a new art style and more. If you are a fan of the series click here.
As stated above Nintendo recently announced its successor to the legendary Nintendo Switch. While there are several details we still don’t know – rumours aside. We do know that Nintendo is hosting a hands-on event in several locations and even inviting a few lucky fans to a special preview event. If you would like to find out more about those lucky fans, click here.