Amidst all the talk about the Nintendo Switch 2 yesterday, one of the things that kind of got buried in all the hubbub was the fact that the leaks/rumors/reports that dominated the internet and beyond in the space leading up to the reveal were a very turbulent period. Some fans latched onto everything that was said in those leaks because they wanted to know more. Others tried to avoid them like the plague so that they didn’t have anything spoiled. Nintendo was likely furious over all that was happening without their consent…and then…there’s Hideki Kamiya. He wasn’t happy about things at all.
“Why is that?” you might ask, “Hideki Kamiya doesn’t work for Nintendo, so he shouldn’t have any ‘skin in the game,’ right?” Well, yes and no. Yes, he doesn’t work for Nintendo, but he does sympathize with them in this situation. On Twitter, he went into a rant of epic proportions, spanning multiple tweets where he wished all manner of curses on the leakers who dared spoil the Switch 2’s reveal:
“I hope that all of the people who leaked Switch 2 information/those who helped leak it will be cursed for the rest of their lives to always have poop on the soles of their shoes when they get home. The sh***y leaker only acts for his own pleasure and self-satisfaction, not only is he not contributing to anyone’s benefit, he is incurring all sorts of opportunity losses, and has done nothing to be proud of in front of others. He is the worst of scum, so he should be covered in shit from head to toe and thrown out of the atmosphere… and then stop thinking and wander forever.”
Can you feel the passion that’s being emitted here? We can! Kamiya is NOT happy about this at all, and when you consider how he’s usually just dropping the hammer on random people on Twitter, this is quite the escalation!
He went further to note that for those “criticizing” the Switch reveal, stating that it “didn’t reveal anything new that the leaks didn’t already showcase,” that’s not Nintendo’s fault; it’s the leakers:
“It is not the manufacturers whose secrets have been exposed who should be blamed, but these damn people, and they need to be crushed as soon as possible.”
It says a lot that Kamiya has spoken out like this, and it really speaks to how this situation really grew out of control because of so many leaking everything possible about the Switch 2 at every possible moment.