Ever since its creation in video games, the “Photo Mode” has been one of the more popular modes that fans continually ask for. The reason for that is simple: they love taking pictures of the various gaming worlds they’re in! We can all point to games that had great Photo Modes, like certain ones with Spider-Man where you could take pictures of Peter and Miles zipping across New York without a care in the world. However, you might not expect the upcoming Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 to have a Photo Mode, as it’s a game that’s more about combat than anything else.
However, as noted on the PlayStation Blog, Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 WILL have one, and you can use it to not only capture your Space Marines in action but to view the beautiful worlds that the team has crafted for you. The blog states that the game’s Swarm Engine takes the PS5 to its visual limit to ensure everything is rendered beautifully and, thus, is perfect for taking pictures.
As you might have guessed, there are multiple camera modes and options for you to toy around with, including if you only want your main Space Marine to be the focus of your shot:
“Celebrating the sheer power and determination of Lieutenant Titus can sometimes require him to be the only subject of your screenshots, so you can choose to show or hide your AI companions with the Character Visibility function. That’s also true for Titus himself, if you’re looking to capture his battle-brothers Chairon and/or Gadriel..”
You can also choose to look at the faces of your Space Marines by toggling on or off the helmets that they wear. If that’s still not enough for your perfect shot, you can put a certain expression on their faces to help “seal the moment.”
Plus, as you’d also expect from a Photo Mode, you can move the camera freely in all directions so you can line up the characters, enemies, and environments perfectly to get the shot you desire. You can alter the Field of View, increase or decrease the blur surrounding you, focus on a key thing you want in the shot, etc.
Oh, and once you find the styles you want, the game saves them for you:
“Once you’ve found the perfect combination of settings, don’t worry about losing them. Photo Mode automatically saves your adjustments within the same game session. So you can exit and re-enter without losing your hard work.”
So jump into the game when it arrives and start taking photos!