2022 might seem like a lifetime ago, but it was only a few years back. The irony is that both during that year and the year that came after it, there were so many big-name titles that were released that you look back and go, “Wait, that was only two years ago?” FromSoftware made one such title. They put everything they had learned from their “Souls Era” and desired to make something even grander, even deeper, and they did just that. Then, they announced the DLC, Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Edrtree, and now we’re not far from it finally being released.
Not only is there a trailer, but the PlayStation Blog got a hands-on session with Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Edrtreeand praised just about everything that happened within it while also giving key details for players. For example, the area you’ll play in is new:
“Shadow of the Erdtree takes place in an entirely new region, known as the Land of Shadow, and is accessed by touching the mummified arm found in Mohgwyn Palace in the base game. It’s here that Miquella, the oft-mentioned but never-seen character from the main game, traveled to in the game’s lore.”
You’ll notice immediately that FromSoftware went for a “familiar yet different” visual tone with these new lands. The color scheme, how things feel cramped at times, and more will deliver a fresh feeling as you battle monsters of all kinds. Speaking of which…
“Shadow of the Erdtree will feature 10+ full bosses and additional side bosses. Some are required to progress the story, and others can be challenged when you feel up to it.”
While one enemy, according to the blogger, felt like a “classic challenge,” a fresh challenge came in the form of the Twin Moon Knight, not to be confused with the Marvel Comics character. This character had magic that they could do powerful one-hit KO blasts if you didn’t dodge properly. Apparently, many enemies within this new land are agile and will try to use both speed and power to overwhelm you, so you need to be ready for that!
The good news is that you’ll have access to a whole cavalcade of weaponry, over 100 in total, with eight new weapon types to unlock. While we don’t know all of them, one was confirmed to be Martial Arts!
With all of this and more at your disposal once the full DLC releases, you’ll see the glory of what FromSoftware created soon enough and likely enjoy it very much.