Pokemon GO has a leveling up system where the more your avatar/character is leveled up, the more cool features you will be able to do and explore. The same thing goes for friendships and buddy levels. The higher the level is with your buddy, the more they will help you by giving you gifts, finding you candies, or even throwing balls back that Pokemon you are trying to catch try to throw at you.
Getting your character to level 50 comes with many benefits, especially when trying to defeat Pokemon that are strong in level. The way you level up is buy making friends, catching Pokemon, and completing quest that give you XP. It takes quite a bit of time to be able to get to level 50 but it is well worth it.
One player that is extremely dedicated to the game was able to reach level 50 in just nine months according to GameRant. They would participate in catching as many Pokemon as possible, doing Raids or other events is how they leveled up, but getting to level 50 this quickly is something that is an extreme accomplishment.
Getting to level 50 is also more challenging because the requirements that it takes to get to that point. The game will require you to have a Legendary Pokemon and power it up a total of 20 times, which is hard if you don’t have many candies for that Pokemon because you’ll need to use rare candies. Then a player will be asked to get 999 Excellent Throws as well. The lists goes on. So it is no joke that this players was super dedicated to get to level 50 so fast.