Minecraft is known for having collaborations with all kinds of different companies, including Nintendo’s Mario, Saga’s Sonic, and many more. Now, it is Dreamworks turn to have their famous Kung Fu Panda on the spotlight within Minecraft through a brand new DLC.
Players will be able to visit the in-game store on Minecraft and purchase the items that are apart of the collaboration from Dreamworks while it last. These collaborations don’t always last all that long so get it while it lasts. The DLC brings a lot of the characters everyone knows and loves from the famous Kung Fu Panda franchise according to GameRant.
This new DLC has been one that players have alrready been really excited about what the possibilities could be if Dreamwoks was to work with Minecraft again and bring some new collaborations to the game – players mainly wanting Sherk.
If Sherk was to happen, it would happen open up the possibility for also there being some Puss In Boots collaborations as well. There are many different characters from Dreamworks that could be added to the evergrowing collection. Sherk is really one that players want to be added, and is one that many have already made their own little designs for but so far it hasn’t been confirmed whether or not something like this would happen.
These DLCs are avaliable for both Java and Bedrock players through the in-game store. Minecraft is avaliable on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.