We’re only a few weeks away from the 10th anniversary of The Game Awards. Geoff Keighley created the show to honor the best in the video game industry, and it’s had some memorable moments over the years, for better and for worse. We’re not trying to sound mean, but the show has gone through some “iterations” in its early years, and then when you look at the most recent events, something seems to ALWAYS go wrong no matter how hard Keighley attempts a smooth show. Heck, Christopher Judge is probably still delivering his acceptance speech from last year’s show. We’re just saying.
But one of the more “bad” incidents is that there have been some “stage crashers” at the last two shows that Geoff Keighley has done. During his Gamescom event earlier this year, some people came up and demanded to know about certain games. Then, at The Game Awards last year, someone came up with the Elden Ring crew and made a really dumb line about Bill Clinton, which got everyone talking and the dude arrested. During a Q&A Twitch stream that VGC reported on, Geoff said that security would definitely be stronger this year:
“Yeah, we are. We don’t want to talk about that stuff too publicly, just because it’s security. We definitely have plans and we’re trying to do all we can to keep me safe, but also everyone watching the show, the audience, people participating in the show and everything. It’s certainly something we’re thinking about. We appreciate the concern. Believe me, that’s something that is top of mind for us, but we also want to put on a great show that celebrates these games, and celebrates our love of video games, so that’s an important thing to keep in mind as well. But yeah, I appreciate the concern around that.”
It’s sometimes fun to make jokes about Geoff Keighley because of certain things he does, but the safety of people at shows like these is important, and hopefully, there won’t be another incident like this at the upcoming show.
But that won’t be the only change at The Game Awards. Keighley also admitted during his Twitch stream that they wouldn’t be using the “World Premiere” title cards that have been a staple of the show for years.
To be clear, there will still be announcements at the show; it just won’t be under that label as a “World Premiere” can mean anything without being specific about what the developer is showing.