Sometimes, gamers must ask out loud, “Who asked for this?” Usually, those moments come when a video game arrives that quite simply doesn’t live up to the hype or the long development time it took to get made. When Gotham Knights was released last year after a long wait, many gamers indeed wondered who asked for a title like that. While the concept was good, the execution was lacking, leading to many woes, including optimization across all platforms. Now, a new rating again implies that the Nintendo Switch will get a version of the title.
The first clue of this was when the official ESRB rating for Gotham Knights got updated to note that it was on “Nintendo Switch” when it wasn’t. Fast forward a little bit and another rating of the Switch port has hit the internet. It comes from the Korea rating board, which most people cite as proof that something is happening gaming-wise. Many thought the port would be announced during last week’s Nintendo Direct, but that didn’t happen.
Whether the port happens is honestly immaterial for most gamers because they won’t be buying it, even for curiosity’s sake. After all, when the original dropped, many people blasted the game for its lackluster story, repetitive gameplay, inconsequential use of different characters within the Bat Family, and more. Despite the game promising co-op, they didn’t deliver a 4-person co-op until after the game launched, and it was only for a specific game mode.
Many people also didn’t like how the game, combat-wise, was nothing more than trying to equip your characters with the highest-stat weapons and armor. If you didn’t do that, you would be wiped out.
Sadly, like many other games in the DC Comics universe, things haven’t gone well since their last big hit gaming-wise. Rocksteady Games, who made the Arkham Trilogy, has been working on a title featuring the Suicide Squad for many years now, but it keeps getting delayed because of development woes and backlash from gamers when certain details about the title leaked out.
This game was supposed to be the next meaningful gaming title for DC, but it didn’t turn out that way. So thus, when the rumors of the Switch port emerged, the age-old question of, “Who asked for this?” emerged once again.
One can only wonder what DC Comics and WB Games Montreal are planning to do next to salvage their gaming credibility.