If you have made your own “torture device” for the Koroks, let us know in the comments below!
Perfection is something that most people never achieve in something. Or when they do, it’s something that is “easy to obtain” in one form or another. Making a “perfect video game” is incredibly hard for the most basic reasons. Given everything that can go into a video game, it’s hard to say that you can “work everything out” so that nothing stands out or annoys players. For example, if you listen to reviewers, The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom is a “perfect game.” But if you paid attention to social media over the weekend, you’ll have seen one of the flaws front and center: the Koroks.
If you have never played Breath of the Wild, you might not know what Koroks are. They’re tiny forest creatures hiding all over the world thanks to a “game” they’re playing. If you find one of them, you get a Korok seed, which can be used to expand your inventory. So if you think about it, the Koroks are a way to ensure you “explore the world” because that’s how you’ll find them all.
Gamers weren’t the biggest fans of this, yet in Tears of the Kingdom, the Koroks are back and even more annoying. How? Because in the sequel, you not only have to find them, there are some that stand out, and you must transport them a certain distance to find their friends. If you do, you get double the Korok seeds. But as many have shown online, the act of doing this is such a chore that they would rather do “other” things to the Koroks.
Like what? As you’ll see in the tweets below, gamers have been creating unique vehicles to strap the Koroks to so that they can be “made an example of” or literally launch them out of their lives.
You get the idea, right? Gamers are using the Ultrahand ability to “good use” to vent their frustrations out on the little creatures.
You might think, “But won’t this hurt them in the game because they won’t get the seeds?” That is true, but given how the game ups the ante with the broken weapons, it’s not hard to make do with the items you have, so getting lots of Korok seeds isn’t as necessary as it was before.
Plus, sometimes, when something is so annoying that you just can’t stand it? You have to vent and let your anger flow through you. That’s what’s happening here.