Metroid Prime: Federation Force is the next installment to release within the Metroid franchise, although it won’t exactly pin players to Samus. Instead, this will be the first game to put players into the role of Marine within the Galactic Federation. Now you can take a look at an entire mission of the game which totals eighteen minutes of gameplay footage.
From developers, Next Level Games comes Metroid Prime: Federation Force, an upcoming title within the Metroid series for the Nintendo 3DS. However, unlike previous installments to the Metroid franchise, the game has players taking the role of a Marine within the Galactic Federation, a law-enforcing organization who are sent out on planetary missions.
Another aspect that is unique compared to previous installments within the Metroid franchise is that the game will allow for cooperative multiplayer with up to a total of four players. Previously, select Metroid titles offered gamers a multiplayer game mode that allowed one another to compete in various themed matches.
The upcoming Metroid: Federation Force game is set between Metroid and Metroid II: Return of Samus, though it does not have any placement between the various video games released under the Prime name.
As stated, the video above takes players through one of the missions within the game which lasts just short of twenty minutes. So far Metroid Prime: Federation Force has received a mixed reception as long time players of Metroid are desiring more of a throwback to the older titles which featured plenty of exploration and a strict singleplayer atmosphere. Regardless, we would like to hear your thoughts on the video game. Do you plan on picking up Metroid Prime: Federation Force when it launches for the Nintendo 3DS later this Spring? Let us know by leaving a comment down below.
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