We have some unfortunate news for fans who were looking forward to playing Star Wars Jedi Survivor on PC.

We know this may come to a surprise for our readers. Just yesterday we had reported that Star Wars Jedi Survivor received glowing reviews. But we have good reason to believe our source.
SkillUpYT, who had also alerted gamers about The Day Before, shared this about playing Star Wars Jedi Survivor on PC:
“I’ll have a Jedi Survivor review up later but right now I can say that it’s a great game that you should absolutely avoid if you’re playing on PC (for now, at least). The port is a total mess, namely awful FPS performance that cannot be improved through any settings changes.
It struggles to maintain 40 fps on a 2080ti/3700x and my 4090/5950x cannot maintain a solid 60 fps. There’s also a game breaking audio bug atm that ruins every cutscene. There’s a PC patch planned for the 28th. Recommend waiting until the impacts of that patch are confirmed.”
Now, curiously enough, if you go checking how it’s fared on MetaCritic as a result, the PC version of this game has scored an 81. I did check the individual reviews, and most if not all reviewers do point out that they also experienced technical hiccups.
I’m going to quote part of PC Gamer’s review so you can see that this isn’t a single issue experience:
“The only thing that threatened to ruin my good time were the constant performance issues with the PC version. Even with Nvidia’s latest driver specifically optimized for the game, my framerate regularly slowed to a crawl at very annoying moments. Stepping through doors sometimes triggers double-digit framerate drops for ten seconds or more. Cutscenes often plummet to 15-20 fps, cut off or overlap dialogue, and usually don’t recover until I get control back.”
PC Gamer also reported that Respawn will be releasing a Star Wars Jedi Survivor pre-release patch across multiple platforms. Given that the game is releasing tomorrow, we’re hopeful that they do address it in short order.
This same PC Gamer review sums up that the technical issues did not deter the reviewer from scoring it an 80. So it seems that Star Wars Jedi Survivor really is that good a game to overcome those issues.
So this news shouldn’t deter you from buying Star Wars Jedi Survivor on PC completely. Maybe wait a few days until Respawn gets all the kinks out, or a few weeks.