Some players might be surprised to know that Diablo 3 was still receiving content. Seasonal updates brought new content for players to enjoy, but things will drastically slow down for the game. Developers are moving towards supporting the upcoming next mainline installment for the IP, Diablo 4. So if you’re still going through Diablo 3, you might want to prepare for a jump onto the next game after season 29 wraps up. Otherwise, you might see a bit of a repeat from past seasons hitting the game.
We’re finding out that Diablo 4 is becoming the main focus for the developers working with the franchise. Thanks to a report by Wowhead, a recent talk with Blizzard Diablo general manager Rod Fergusson unveiled that there is more focus being put on Diablo 4 once the studio gets through season 29. The question came up asking Rod Fergusson as to if Diablo 3 will continue to have new themes and seasonal updates. Rod Fergusson stated the following in their reply.
Season 29 will have a new Season theme. It won’t be as rich as Season 28. A mix and match of previous cosmetics and features that made up previous Seasons.
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So it looks like season 29 won’t have as much content packed into it for players to enjoy. Although, it does look like we’ll, at the very least, still get some new content. From there, a remix of sorts will take place for future seasons, and that might only last for a short while. We’re not sure how long of support Diablo 3 will receive when fans start to flock toward Diablo 4. It would seem like developers would want players to eventually make their way onto the latest installment, which in some cases, players already had a chance to try the game out.
Not long ago, players had a chance to try out Diablo 4 through an open beta. We also know that the developers are going through the different feedback they received from fans. So it shouldn’t be too much longer before we get a better breakdown of what developers might be tweaking in the game before it’s readily available in the marketplace. But, of course, with that said, Diablo 4 is quickly approaching its release date. At the moment, Diablo 4 will be launching into the marketplace on June 6, 2023. When the game does release, you’ll find it available on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC platforms.