Many players have been enjoying the ins and outs of Fire Emblem Engage ever since it launched on Nintendo Switch in January. The game has been an incredible RPG experience with unique hooks that change the gameplay formula in memorable ways. Just as important, the game revealed an expansion pass that started the day the game was released and has been slowly but surely releasing the rest of the waves. Each wave has had new Emblem Rings that will let you someone heroes from past titles, as well as other additions to help spice things up.
As noted, Wave 1 arrived alongside Fire Emblem Engage. Wave 2 was released in February and contained three Emblem Rings to summon via Hector, Soren, and Camilla. Nintendo has now revealed that Wave 3 will arrive next year! According to an official statement, it’ll come out on March 8th in Japan, which likely means it’ll be on March 7th for the rest of the world.
Wave 3 is anticipated because it brings two fan-favorite Emblem Rings to the mix. The first is Chrom and Robin, a legendary duo from the game that saved the franchise. Then, there is Veronica, a villain turned hero from the mobile game that has been most profitable for Nintendo since its launch several years ago.
To get these characters into your ranks, you must participate in all-new maps where you must defeat the Emblems. Once you do, wield their powers to change the game and become unstoppable. For Chrom and Robin, they’ll unleash an attack of sword and sorcery to damage foes. In contrast, Veronica will summon extra heroes to help you in battle. It’s unclear how exactly that will work, but that means it’ll be fun to find out!
With the impending arrival of Wave 3, all eyes now turn to the final wave of the DLC. This final piece of DLC is important because it will be an all-new storyline called “Fell Xenologue.” In a recent trailer for it, two new characters call upon Alear, the main character, to save them from a new threat that destroyed their world. We got a brief glimpse of said characters but no details on who they were.
Many suspect that the new villain was hinted at during the story’s main campaign by the villain Sombrom. He referenced an Emblem Ring that didn’t match any main character from the past games. Then again, it could be an entirely new creation. Only time will tell.