If you’re a fan of Splatoon 3, then February has been a massive month for you. It started with a Splatfest that put chocolate lovers against each other. Then it went into a Nintendo Direct, where the expansion pass for the game was announced. Of which the first wave is coming out in a few days! Then, the “Fresh Season” starts on March 1st. The content will bring new stages, weapons, and features for gamers to enjoy. The people at Squid Research Labs have been slowly dishing on each addition on Twitter, and today is no exception.
As you’ll see in the thread below, they detailed new weapons and expansions to the game through the upcoming season. They first discussed the Tri-Slosher Nouveau, a variant of the classic weapon with a “new handle” to boot. The weapon comes with the Fizzy Bombs, so you can pair the two weapons up to ink enemy turf in great amounts. Plus, you’ll have the Tacticooler special weapon to give buffs to teammates as they head into enemy territory!
Next is the Neo Sploosh-o-matic, which Keanu Reeves has undoubtedly approved. The weapon is perfect for those who like close-quarters combat, especially due to the addition of the Squid Beakons and the Killer Wail special weapon.
Moving on to the game’s new features, once you enter the Fresh Season, you can play with a jukebox! Why would you do that? You can choose what song you listen to as you battle it out on the maps! Plus, it only costs you 100 cash to change the track. You make more than that in a single battle! If you’re doing a group session with players, the host of the room can be the “DJ” and pick the tracks for the group.
Are you a fan of the Tableturf battles? If so, there’s an update for you! When you first get into the game, you only play against the computer. After that, you could play against other players’ decks, but the CPU would control what they did. But with Fresh Season, you can host or join a room with other players and battle it out in real-time battles! Depending on the room you set up, you can have 8-10 players in one spot!
Additionally, 23 new cards will be available to Tableturf players! So Splatoon 3 still has some ways to entice you to come back and play it.