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Currently, the mainline series for the Pokemon franchise is Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet. Both games are available on the Nintendo Switch and, most recently, had just wrapped up the first season of the ranked battle system. Players were able to jump into the game and go through some ranked competitive matches within the game last month. This was a new feature that opened up at the Battle Stadium, and now we have a second season available. Players that want to see just how well their team of Pokemon can do against others can once again head right over to the Battle Stadium to participate.
If you’re not familiar with the ranked battles or didn’t participate in the first season, we can offer some insight. Players are able to test their party of Pokemon out in head-to-head competitive matches against other players online. Since this is a ranked system, you’ll be paired up with players that the game feels match your skill level. Of course, the goal is to continue winning to reach a higher rank. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like players will get to use any Pokemon they have in their party. Currently, players can only use Pokemon obtained from the Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet games. This means you’re sticking with Pokemon found within the Paldea region.
Players also have some incentives to participate in competitive online matches. After the season ends, players will receive different rewards. Depending on how well you handle yourself during the season will result in select rewards. You can see the rewards being handed out from this season below.
Master Ball Tier
- PP Up
- Gold Bottle Cap
- Bottle Cap x3
- Ability Patch
Ultra Ball Tier
- PP Up
- Gold Bottle Cap
- Bottle Cap x3
- Ability Capsule
Great Ball Tier
- TM171
- Bottle Cap
Poke Ball Tier
- TM171
Beginner Tier
- 5,000 League Points
The second season is currently running right now, so all you need to do is venture over to the Battle Stadium. Likewise, you have the entire month to go through the competitive matches before the second season wraps up. Again, both Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet are readily available to pick up on the Nintendo Switch. If you want a bit more insight into the game, then we have you covered as we have a Before You Buy video coverage on the titles in the video embedded below.