Tera Raid Battles are going to be the thing that carries Pokemon Scarlet and Violet for some time. Mainly because they’re something for players to look forward to and can grant them access to all manner of Pokemon both within the game and from other regions. Already we’ve seen Charizard and Cinderace help expand the Poke-roster. We’ve also had a swarm of Eevees hit the Tera Raid circuit to help ensure that player got all the Eeveelutions. But now, in 2023, another dual set of Tera Raids has been announced. However, the difference with this one is that they’re rooted in specific games.
It’s true. Much like Pokemon Scarlet and Violet themselves, you’ll get unique Pokemon in the Tera Raid, depending on which one you own. In this case, Hydreigon will be rooted in Pokemon Scarlet, and Dragapult will be for Pokemon Violet owners. According to those who report on it, they’ll be either 4 or 5-star Raids, so make sure your party is up to snuff to take them on!
Furthermore, if you haven’t gotten these Pokemon before, you’ll need to hurry when the raid goes live. According to those in the know, the event will start on January 6th and last until January 8th. So you’ll have two days to get these Pokemon from these events. That’s not a lot of time, but all it takes is one good raid, and you’ll have another Pokemon for your Pokedex.
While these events are fun, many are curious about what might come next for Gen 9. Remember that when the game launched, it was fun, but it had a ton of bugs and glitches that gamers are still finding to this day and making fun of. The Pokemon Company said that they were in the process of fixing it, but there’s been no indication as to when a major patch for the bugs is coming.
Then there’s the matter of the DLC. Many people suspect that we’ll get a DLC announcement this year and wonder what it could be. There have been rumors about the potential DLC, including that we could go back to another region, or that Mega Evolution might arrive in Paldea, and so on.
The Pokemon Company could lean on what they did before and simply add “new parts” to Paldea for gamers to explore and add new content based on those new areas. But, sadly, we’ll have to wait and see what the company has planned.
Source: Serebii