It’s almost Christmas, and you know what that means. It’s time to rush to the store to get presents for everyone you care about. It’s time to decorate your home or place with all sorts of decorations to put yourself in the mood of the season. Finally, it’s time to watch your favorite Christmas movies! It’s a hard choice to make sometimes, but there are a few that stand out from the crowd. For example, there’s the all-time classic movie known as Die Hard! That’s right, it’s a Christmas movie, and you can’t tell us otherwise! How poetic then that in this Christmas season, the “Christmas movie” is slated to make an appearance in Fortnite.
The “reveal” hasn’t been made official yet, but a leaker is going around in HypeX who’s said that he’s seen documents and art showcasing John McClane being teased for the game. There was also a court case between Epic Games and Apple last year that also teased McClane would be in the crossover battle royale title.
At first, it may seem odd that Fortnite would want to bring such a character into the game. However, when you look at some of the other characters that have entered the fray, he’s not that odd of an inclusion. Case in point, John Wick is in the game, and he’s arguably more brutal than McClane is, as Wick has an incredibly high kill count in his saga.
In comparison, while John McClane is known for killing bad guys, it’s not in as high of numbers as some of the other people who are in the title. But don’t forget, Thanos was in the game, dancing like no one was watching, and he wiped out half the universe!
What really is going to be fun here is seeing how much of Die Hard they incorporate into the game. For example, we’d bet that McClane’s character model won’t have shoes or socks on because that’s the “iconic look” that he has in the movie. But the question is, will other movie elements show up in the video game? Or will it just be the McClane skin? Only time will tell.
We know that more crossovers are on the way through the new season of content that recently started. For example, on the 16th, we know that My Hero Academia will crossover via some character skins. There are also rumors of a crossover with the Dead Space franchise.
Source: PCGamesN