God of War Ragnarok’s Update 2.04 has been released.

While God of War Ragnarok did arrive to the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 with few issues and game breaking bugs, fans have been waiting on Santa Monica Studio to fix the problems that have arosen. Santa Monica’s high standards reflect on the final product, and subsequently expectations are also higher from God of War Ragnarok’s player base.
The patch notes only indicate two fixes that have arrived with update 2.04. There was an issue where some players could not change the game difficulty in the middle of the level, which has been fixed. Aside from that, the issue that causes game crashes to happen on the weapons menu on very rare occasions has also been fixed.
We had reported on update 2.02, which mostly brought service adjustments for both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, as well as plugging what game breaking bugs did exist on PlayStation 4.
Fans did make note of some of the issues that have not been addressed in the reddit for this update. For example, there is an issue in the blacksmith menu, which erroneously raises the signal for new weapons and armor, even if you have no new items.
Other visual errors occur in relation to the axe. Sometimes the axe actually goes invisible on Kratos. There’s also an issue where Kratos holds his blades like his axe.
Another player pointed out experiencing muted dialogue through cutscenes, as well as issues where audio randomly drops off and picks up again. There’s also a strange bug in the Burning Skies quest, where the dragon does not leave his perch to start the boss fight. Apparently you have to restart the game to trigger the fight properly.
As of now, there are no planned DLC or expansions for God of War Ragnarok. Santa Monica Studio has seemingly brought in everything they could possibly think of to the retail release. It’s great value for the players, but also an indication that the game’s writers tied up as many loose ends as they could between this game and 2018’s God of War.
Without going into spoilers, the ending for God of War Ragnarok does hold promise for what the future could hold for Kratos and his new son Atreus. On the other hand, while they may not necessarily be leaving the Norse mythos as Cory Barlog stated, even the 2018 game hinted at the existence of other mythologies existing alongside the Norse. But we do have a general idea of where things will stand at the dawn of the next game.
Source: Santa Monica Studio