There are many reasons players love the Forge Mode in the Halo franchise. First, the mode is known for the large amount of content you can create through its very robust features. The only question is, “What will you make?” Then, once you make it, you can distribute it online to have memorable matches with your friends and show off your creative skills. You might have heard that the original Blood Gulch Map was built for Halo Infinite in Forge Mode, or that someone went full-tilt and made Andy’s Room from Toy Story. Well, how about now we take you to a galaxy far, far away?
It’s true. Multiple fans have gone into the Halo Infinite Forge Mode and meticulously built maps from the game based on past gaming franchises within the series, like Battlefront. The map below is Bespin Platforms’ map from that exact game. As you’ll see in the video, the detail is rather incredible. It’s true that it’s not a perfect recreation of the map due to the assets available, but Forge Mode allows you to make it work with what you have and create your own things at times to fill in the gaps.
If you look at the thread attached to the video, you’ll see that fans are already excited about this and showing off the Star Wars creations they’re making. This proves that this is arguably the best part of the game for the simple reason that the creativity and potential are almost endless.
While it’s great to look at things like this, fans will more than happily tell you that it was a long road to get to this point. Forge Mode wasn’t there at the launch for the title, and it took a while to get the full unrestrained version. Plus, you must have an internet connection to get into the mode and use it. Not something that everyone was happy about.
That being said, it is a huge step forward for a game that has stumbled out of the game. At the least, it wasn’t canceled like the co-op campaign mode was.
So if you’ve been looking for a reason to get back into Halo Infinite lately, here is your chance. With maps like these out there and more on the way, plus the ability to make your own maps, you won’t want for variety. So dive in and see what the mode has to offer!
Source: Twitter