In this day and age, AAA titles not getting DLC or free updates of a sort is rare. Mainly because developers know that if they were to add such content to their titles, it would grant them longevity beyond the initial game’s offerings. That goes double for open-world titles, as they have plenty of room for extra content should the developers want to create it. For Sonic Frontiers, the appeal of making DLC is rather obvious. Sonic Team wants to make the title as robust as possible so that they would add more content to it if possible. Thankfully, they seem to agree with that notion.
Gamers have already gotten some free content from the team at SEGA via a collaboration that just came out. But it doesn’t end there. In a statement from the company, more free updates are coming both this year and next:
“SEGA is also happy to announce that it plans on supporting Sonic Frontiers with multiple content updates that will be free to all users starting with the Monster Hunter Collaboration Pack and extending into next year.”
Now, it should be noted that these updates don’t have certain “labels” on them. For example, they didn’t say that it would be costumes for Sonic and others to wear like the previous free content. Nor did they say that it would be story DLC that would expand the game’s campaign further. Instead, they were coy in their announcement, meaning there’s room for interpretation.
It wouldn’t be strange for them to do an expansion of sorts within the title, not unlike what Capcom has done with Monster Hunter. The game’s setting is a set of islands that Sonic must travel to and battle across. It would be straightforward for Sonic Team to create a new island and tie a story to it. It could even bring more of Sonic’s allies or enemies to bear should they desire. Or, they could make the new islands a kind of challenge mode. One where Sonic must battle through many of his toughest foes from the game in a “Boss Rush” mode to see if players can survive it all.
As many would say, the options are there. But, it is also in SEGA’s best interest to focus on balancing and adjusting the game so that some of its noted flaws can be fixed. Such as the framerate issue or how people get motion sickness by playing the title.
Source: NintendoLife