Capcom has shared its latest financial results presentation and has outlined its plans for continued growth. The company is aiming for ten years of consecutive growth of its operating income. This looks like it could still be on the cards, thanks to some healthy sales figures from two of its most notable franchises.
However, the company has seen a decline in year-on-year total revenue overall, which it puts down to the release of a “major new title in the same period of the previous year.” It’s not exactly clear which title Capcom is referring to, but it’d be a sensible wager that it’s talking either about Resident Evil Village or Monster Hunter Rise. Capcom is expecting to make up for the downturn in revenue in the remaining half of its current financial year with an expected 40 million game sales due to the growth in its catalogue.
Whatever may be in their year ahead, Capcom is reporting some solid sales figures from games in both its Resident Evil and Monster Hunter series. The presentation explains that sales of Monster Hunter Rise have topped 11 million, with the game’s latest expansion, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, topping 4.4 million units in sales cumulatively.
Capcom’s second financial quarter has seen further growth in consumer sales overall, with the company having sold 21.3 million units of video game software. The majority of this growth came from the release of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, alongside a high number of digital sales, including sales of catalogue titles composed primarily of entries in its titles’ major series, such as Monster Hunter Rise and Resident Evil.
The report also gives some insight into sales of the Resident Evil titles, with Resident Evil 2 now having sold over 10 million units. The Resident Evil franchise in its entirety is Capcom’s clear best-seller and most popular series, having collectively now sold more than 131 million units. With the Resident Evil 4 remake scheduled to be released next March, it’s to be expected that the company will see even more revenue flood through from its most iconic horror series.
Other notable sales figures include sales of 49 million units for Capcom’s Street Fighter series and 38 million units of its Mega Man series. Bringing up the rear are the company’s Devil May Cry series, which sold 27 million units last quarter and the Dead Rising series, which sold 15 million units.
The upcoming Resident Evil 4 remake is expected to provide players with an experience that remains true to the original but with a number of enhancements and improvements to its gameplay. With this year’s end rapidly approaching, fans of the franchise won’t have that much longer to wait until they can experience the horrors and thrills of the iconic title all over again.