When Super Smash Bros Ultimate was first teased at the end of a Nintendo Direct, we honestly didn’t know it was that game. It seemed like a new entry in the fighting franchise, but we didn’t know for sure. After all, back then, a ton of games from the Wii U had been ported over, and as such, it wouldn’t be unreasonable that a port of the Wii U version of Smash Bros would come to the Nintendo Switch. However, at E3 later that year, Masahiro Sakurai revealed to the world that it was a new game and that “Everyone Is Here!”
The game brought together the entire roster from titles past, mixed with new characters that made fans happy. Then, after the game was released, we got two fighter packs with an extra 11 characters that spanned the gaming gambit. First, we got 1st party characters like Byleth, and Min-Min, alongside Pyhrra and Mythra. Then, we got third-party characters like Banjo-Kazooie, Terry Bogard, Sephiroth, and, of course, Sora.
By the time Sora wrapped up everything for the game content-wise, gamers were grinning from ear to ear. The title has already set sales records, including being the best-selling fighting game of all time. But now, some more milestones for the series are about to happen.
As one insider noted on Twitter, the game is about to cross 5 million physical copies sold in Japan. That means the digital copies aren’t included here, and we all know how much Japan loves its digital copies:
To put those sales for Japan into context, the only game that has done better in the country over the last fifteen years is Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Surprising, right? Although, Splatoon 3 might have something to say about those numbers giving enough time. Regardless, that’s a massive milestone for Japan.
But that’s not the only milestone that’s going to be crossed. Because the insider also revealed that worldwide sales of the game are pretty incredible too:
When you consider the origins of the game and then you hear how much the title has sold in its latest iteration, it’s astounding. The title wasn’t supposed to come out of Japan! Nintendo first thought people wouldn’t like it because it was “too violent” with their characters!
Instead, they made a game that was so fun to play that there’s instant hype around it from the moment it’s announced. So the question now is, will there be a sequel to Super Smash Bros Ultimate?
At present, Masahiro Sakurai is tight-lipped on it. He wasn’t supposed to lead the last game but had to when another developer botched it heavily. He’s already said that if he did make another one, it can’t be as grand as the last title. It’s just too overwhelming to do something like it again.
So we’ll have to cross our fingers and hope something happens.
Source: Twitter