Rockstar has taken to its blog to announce that Grand Theft Auto V will indeed be receiving its very own Halloween-themed event. The upcoming event will be titled Judgement Day and will come with a slew of new content for the community.
Grand Theft Auto V usually does holiday-themed events, so it’s no surprise to see Rockstar make the official announcement for this year. However, it is a surprise to see all the new additions, challenges, and Halloween-themed items making their way to the game. As typical, Rockstar detailed the full list of announcements on their blog post in great detail, however, we will break them down into short bits here.
Starting us off is the titular, Judgement Day. This new adversary mode will make small teams fight against each other in a game of kill-it-be-killed hide-in-seek scenario. This will definitely create some dynamic players and you will most definitely need to bring your A-game if you wish to survive the night.
Following that is the brand-new car! The Obey 10F is now available and is a brand-new sports car. It will be customizable for players to design it however they like, but it does come pretty slamming right out of the box. We see air intake holes, a titanium valvetrain, and a big muscular engine. This car will bring the speed, so be ready to zip around Los Santos.
The next set of items includes unlockable items such as the War Mask, the return of Halloween-themed vehicles, and an awesome new Gray Vintage Frank Mask. These new additions will make an amazing Halloween treat for the GTA V community. We just brushed over the surface of the upcoming update which is available now for free, so make sure to check out even more details down below or directly from Rockstar themselves!
Check out the full set of details for GTA V’s Halloween-themed events down below:

Judgement Day
The end is nigh in Judgement Day, a new Adversary Mode that pits a small team of powerful Riders against a vulnerable group of Hunted in a kill-or-be-killed, hide-and-seek scenario. The Hunted need only worry about surviving through dawn.
Obey 10F Now Available
The Obey 10F sports car has a lot of things going for it right out of the box: air intake slots, titanium valvetrain, a muscular engine. But combine those good bones with a suite of customizations, and you’ve got an excellent value proposition that adapts well to change. That’s more than anyone can say about your dating profile.
The Obey 10F, now available for purchase from Legendary Motorsport.
Get the War Mask
Strike fear into the hearts of locals statewide — play GTA Online any day this week to claim the War mask also featured in the new Judgement Day mode.
Complete a Short Trip to Earn the Gray Vintage Frank Mask and Double Rewards
Visit the Smoking Room in the back of Record A Studios and test out LD Organics’ most potent strain to play Short Trips as Franklin and Lamar, helping the latter keep his marijuana business afloat and above-board. Completing any Short Trip this week will net you the Gray Vintage Frank mask to help scare the wits out of unsuspecting pedestrians, plus Double Rewards all week long.
Halloween Vehicles Return for a Limited Time
As All Hallows’ Eve draws near, things get weird in Southern San Andreas. There’s a chill to the air, and a creepy feeling that sets the hair on the back of your neck on end. Along with that grim atmosphere, the LCC Sanctus, Albany Fränken Stange, and Albany Lurcher have also returned — available from the Southern San Andreas Super Autos in-game website only through November 1.
In related news, Rockstar Games have also announced that another game under their library will be getting special Halloween treatment. Yes, Red Dead Redemption 2 is the other title to receive some spooky magic this month. The blog post from Rockstar themselves is pretty dense, detailing the return of the Halloween Pass 2, new locations for Hallows’ call-to-arm events, and a ton of other in-game events such as new unlockable outfits, missions, and more. Learn the full details about Red Dead Online’s Halloween event right here!
Grand Theft Auto 5 is now available to play across most platforms and the new Halloween-themed event is currently live. Are you excited about Halloween? Let us know in the comments below!