You might have noticed that the Teen Titans are getting a lot of love in the Fortnite world as of late, as Raven of the team was just introduced into the title not too long ago. Well, now her best friend–or one of them anyway–is now in the game as well, because the princess of Tamaran in Starfire has come to grace the island with her presence and her incredible powers. Showing off some interesting gear and emotes that are perfect for her and fans of her, another star of the Teen Titans is here to represent!
For those of you who somehow don’t know who Starfire is, she is one of the most popular members of the Teen Titans group. We won’t dive too much into her backstory as it’s changed a lot over the years and continuity, but needless to say, she’s a princess of her homeworld who was betrayed by her sister Blackfire. This led to her coming to Earth where she met the other Titans via Nightwing, Beast Boy, Raven, and Cyborg.
“Kori,” as she was also called, was their alien powerhouse, as her species was blessed with incredible strength and the ability to shoot energy blasts known as Starbolts which made her quite handy in a fight. She also was known for her unique way of talking, a mix of brutal honesty and not knowing the full way of speaking of Earth tongue. Oh, and she actually learns languages by kissing people. A lot of people liked that part, as you could guess.
When the Teen Titans TV animated show arrived on Cartoon Network, her popularity skyrocketed for the best of reasons. Her depiction was both fun and endearing, and as a result, the team became iconic even more than the comics intended. That’s why Teen Titans Go! was made. Though that’s another story entirely.
Getting back to Fortnite, if you get the Starfire skin you’ll get her outfit that is pretty dead on from the cartoon series, and that’s not the only familiar thing you’ll get with her, as you can also get her backpack via her pet Silkie. As for her pickaxe, she’ll actually be able to use her Starbolt to do that, which is a really clever idea. An emote that will be custom to her is her “Flourish” move where she’ll summon her energy and hover in the air for a bit.
You can get these things individually as well as in a pack for her, plus, you’ll get the loading screen that we have above.
So if you’re a fan of Starfire, rejoice, friends! She’s in the game right now and ready to take down the competition.
Source: Epic Games