If you recall a post we did yesterday, you’ll know that The Pokemon Company went and showed off some new pictures of the upcoming Scarlet And Violet title. Specifically, they showed off some trees in a forest area that had been painted. Which, believe it or not, was a reference to a forest in Spain in the real world. But in this case, we were shown a part of the Paldea region. Here it was heavily hinted that the reason for these painted on trees was that of a Pokemon. Shocking, we know. But, we didn’t get any true clues as to who or what this Pokemon really was. Until today that is.
Because on the official Pokemon Twitter handle, we got some updated pictures and information on the subject. Though we didn’t see it in full, we did get the name of the Pokemon, and it’s Grafaiai. No doubt a reference to the art of graffiti, and some fans are noting that it’s a reference to the Super Monkey Ball character in Aiai. Thus, it might just be a monkey Pokemon that we have here.
Another thing that is very key to note is that the Pokemon Twitter handle promoted that there would be an “exciting revelation soon.” So we might get to see the Pokemon in full, or we might get another gameplay trailer to show off the Pokemon and other things of the game.
The last time we got such a trailer was during the Pokemon World Championships in London. They debuted a trailer that showed off Cyclizar, a unique Pokemon with possible ties to the legendary duo of Pokemon Scarlet And Violet, and a Pokemon that, as a new move in “Shed Tail” could be very handy in fights.
Overall, many of the Pokemon that have been revealed for the new games have been well-received by fans. Not the least of which is Lechonk, the pig Pokemon that people can’t seem to get enough of, or Fidough, a dog that is literally made of batter. You can’t make this stuff up.
That’s part of the wonder of the Pokemon world, to be honest. Because the creativity, most of the time anyway, that it takes to make new and really special Pokemon is on display with every reveal, and with each new generation, we want to know which new Pokemon we’re going to get.
No doubt Grafaiai will be something interesting on some level, and we’d also bet that due to its “paint theme,” it’ll have some unique moves that many other Pokemon don’t have.
We’ll have to wait for more info, and wait for the game to arrive on November 18th.
Source: Twitter