WWE Superstar ‘The Miz’, has spoken out about the fact he would love to portray Johnny Cage in the next Mortal Kombat movie – he certainly looks the part, he even acts a little like Cage, this could be a match made in heaven.
The Miz – real name Mike Mizanin – spoke about his desire to play the character in a recent interview, and mentioned the fact he has been training ever since there were faint rumors about the wrestling star possibly being eyed up. In the interview, Miz said, “We have about three shows in development that could make it hopefully to television, hell – I want to play Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat, baby.” Miz added I have been working on my splits, I’ve been working on my kicks. As soon as I saw that Mortal Kombat was out, and there was no Johnny Cage yet, my name started to trend worldwide.” He’s full of confidence, that’s for sure, and he has even posted a possible look for him as Cage in the past when the rumors first began.
WWE fans out there will know that The Miz is a bit of a gimmick persona based on Hollywood acting stars with an ego, and his character is well… a bit of a joke among the wrestling stars. He has starred in reality TV shows to help create his personality, and Mizanin has also appeared in several movies over the years as well. So, let’s look at those films to get an idea of his acting skills: The Miz starred in The Marine 3, 4, 5, and 6, that’s right, the original John Cena movie has resulted in a six-film franchise, and Mizanin’s entries were questionable, to say the least.
The sequel to last year’s Mortal Kombat movie is already in the planning stages at New Line Cinema, and the Warner Bros. owned studio has hired Fantastic 4 and Moon Knight writer Jeremy Slater to work his magic on the next installment. But The Miz rumors are just hearsay – from himself, it seems – but let’s wait patiently for the final casting decision.