In case you missed Sony’s presentation of From Software’s upcoming third person RPG Bloodborne at the PlayStation aftershow, one gamer—present in person at gamescom—has managed to scrounge up some footage of the game as it was being played on one of the screens at the event.
The footage appears to reveal the return of ragdoll physics and features the player killing a single enemy.
Beyond that, a redditor going by the name of FangedKnightBiorr has compiled a list of perceived changes between the Project Beast leak and Bloodborne. They are as follows.
- Blood now looks very different. In the 2013 trailer one can see that the blood is a lighter color, and it flows out of the enemy in a linear fashion in the direction of the swing that hit. In the 2014 trailer, blood looks darker, more dense, and it flows out of things in a manor that is more similar to God of War.
- The running and walking animation may be different between the two different versions of the game. This may be a trick of the eyes, something having to do with the equipment being used by each character, something having to do with the weight of the weapons, or even something wrong with the quality on the youtube videos, but there does seem to be something different about them. In the Project Beast trailer it looked like the walking animation was more reminiscent of Dark Souls 2's and while running, the character's arms looked to come forward more, while his legs looked to come back more. In Bloodborne's trailer however, all the movement animations look far more reminiscent of Dark Souls 1's.
- Rolling looks different. In the Project Beast trailer, the forward roll that can be seen at 0:23 looks to be flatter and more reminiscent of Dark Souls 2's rolling animation. It may be a dynamic reaction to the slope, since the character is rolling up a slight hill, but I doubt that is the case. In Bloodborne's trailer, on the other hand, as can be seen at 1:08, the rolling animation looks to be nearly exactly the same as Dark Souls 1's.
- Backstep distance has decreased. This may be because there is a backwards step maneuver (similar to how the new sidesteps work), but in the Bloodborne trailer, the distance of the backsteps looks to be quite a bit shorter than that seen in the leaked Project Beast trailer.
- This isn't really pertaining to gameplay or style, but rather just an item that I haven't seen anyone talk about, but the two guns are different in the different trailers. In the Project Beast trailer it is more reminiscent of a standard sawed-off shotgun, whereas in Bloodborne it looks more like a strange blunderbuss.