Take a break from Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire news and speculation to enjoy the classier side of the Pokemon franchise. The Pokemon Company has just today announced Pokemon: Symphonic Evolutions, a nationwide concert tour that will showcase 20 years of Pokemon musical history. The first stop is the Warner Theater in Washington, DC, on August 15, the day before the 2014 Pokemon World Championships kick off. The Mann Center for the Performing Arts in Philadelphia, PA, is up next on September 19, with further dates and locations to be added later.
This isn't the first time that an iconic Nintendo brand has had an entire concert tour dedicated to it. From January 2012 through December 2013, The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses brought Zelda music to fans throughout the country. Having attended two showings of the Zelda Symphony personally, I can vouch for its quality and the loving treatment of the source material. If Pokemon: Symphonic Evolutions is anywhere near as good, fans are bound to be in for a fantastic treat.
Keep an eye on the official Pokemon site for further concert news.