One of the best things that Sony has done with its PlayStation Network ecosystem is allow for cross-buying — if a digital game is available on multiple Sony plaftorms (PS4, PS3, PS Vita, PSP), purchasing it on any one platform will allow you to download it for free on all the others. Nintendo sadly doesn't do the same for its Wii U and 3DS eShops, but The Game Bakers' Squids Odyssey will be the first title to cross that line.
Squids Odyssey is an undersea strategy RPG that requires you to launch your little aquatic friends like pinballs across the map. It was originally released on Wii U back in May 22, and the 3DS version will finally arrive this Thursday, July 3. Europeans will have an extra special treat, though: buy Squids Odyssey on 3DS, get it on Wii U for free (as long as your Nintendo Network ID is linked on both platforms).
This promotion currently only works going from 3DS to Wii U, not the other way around. Nonetheless, Emeric Thoa of The Game Bakers is quite pleased about the arrangement, telling GoNintendo:
We are very excited by this promotion as it's the first time this happens — as far as I know. It's a proof that Nintendo is making efforts in giving more control to the developer on its pricing and promotions. I'm glad that our players will be able to play on 3DS and WiiU for the price of one game. It's a shame that it's only in Europe yet but hopefully this cross buy operation will be appreciated and the technical contraints that prevented it to happen in the US will be fixed.
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like this deal will carry over to North America. In a comment to Siliconera, The Game Bakers explained that Nintendo of America "could not support this operation yet." Maybe one day, but this is still an interesting first step for the slow-to-react Nintendo.
Via: Nintendo Life