Sony Online Entertainment environment artist John Roy and community manager Greg Henninger recently had a livestream event focusing on the landscape design of their upcoming MMO H1Z1. The stream was recorded and archived by various YouTube users for people who might have missed it.
The developers mentioned that their reference for the game's world are based on various locations in the United States. They specifically showed photos of hills filled with lush plant life. Additionally, they gave a glimpse of the terrain editor and some of the concept work of the main towns that will be featured.
They also discuss how detailed they want the game to be. Terrain height and geometry is factored into the environment. Dirt and asphalt details are taken into account as well. The developers want these details to have unique features during different times of the day. Weather will also be affecting the environment in the game in big and small ways.
Fans also asked about easter eggs in the game's world, but Roy only responded with a "maybe" so players will just have to wait until they can explore it for themselves.
Earlier this month we unveiled some cool fan made concept UI for the game. We also reported on new screenshots that were released recently.
H1Z1 is developed and published by Sony Online Entertainment. It will be released on Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 4 sometime this year.