In recent video posted on Sunset Overdrive's YouTube page, Insomniac games took the time to talk more about the Amp system featured in the game.
"On a basic level, amps are how you can customize how you want to play. On a deeper level, it's the driving force behind our entire combo based gameplay," the host said.
Players can have five amps equipped at any given time. Four of them are for your character and then one per each of your indivdual weapons. There are Vanity amps (aesthetic), chracter amps (abilities) melee amps, epic amps (constant damage effect around your character). Weapons amps allow you to customize and spice up how you want to damage your enemies. You can have massive damage with flair.
You get more amps as you level-up. Amps require recipes to create though. You either get them through missions or just find them in the world.
Additionally, the music of the game was touched on a bit. It was said that it was composed by different bands and that themusic is dynamic to what's happening in the environment.
Don't forget to check out the promotional site the studio made for the OverCharge drink. We also have a handful of details you might want to know about the game.
Sunset Overdrive is an upcoming Xbox One release date with an unspecified 2014 release date.