Bandai Namco has plenty of great games under their belt, and if you’re in need of a new one on the Nintendo Switch, tonight is your last chance to snag some for cheap.
The Bandai Namco Nintendo eShop sale has been live a couple of weeks now, but it is coming to an end tonight. Being stuck in the house all day might be the perfect time to try new games and this sale will be a good time to snag some for a discounted price.
Some highlights from the sale is Dragon Ball Zenoverse 2, Dragon Ball FighterZ, and Little Nightmares Complete Edition. There are a ton of other games to choose from so make sure to check out the sale for yourselves!
Check out the full set of sales down below:
In related news, Nintendo has another sale currently live as well, however, this one is centered around Capcom titles!
As you can expect the featured games are all Capcom related so there’s a ton of Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, and Mega Man sales. There’s a total of 32 games to choose from, but don’t waste too much time as the sale is set to end on April 28th. Check out the Capcom eShop sale right here!
Nintendo Switch is filled with great games, and if you’re looking for a couple of new games this sale will be perfect for you. Do you see any good deals you’d think about snagging? Let us know in the comments below!