We’re all forced to stay indoors which is extremely tough after enduring so many weeks of socialization. I know in my state it’s been a struggle so having some video games to pick up on the cheap is certainly appealing. If you finished the backlog and are waiting to enjoy something new that has yet to come out, perhaps checking back at some sales to make sure you didn’t miss out on a hit that you didn’t already get through.
If you haven’t noticed, Sony threw together a new sale on the PlayStation Store. It’s a sale that’s been featured in the past but a few games tend to get added in or replaced over time. The sale we’re referring to is the Big In Japan sale, which features some games that have been hits overseas. Some of these games were just as big over here in western markets so if you failed to go through some of the featured titles, you now have a chance to pick them up without breaking the bank.
Some of the games featured include the Resident Evil series, Final Fantasy VIII Remastered, Dark Souls 3, Soulcalibur VI, among several other hit games. You can find the sale going on right here. However, if you don’t own a PlayStation 4 or don’t find a game that piques your interest then you can find our weekly video game discounts guide with several other sales. We track down the best video game sales and discounts that are going on throughout the week for at least North America. You’ll find sales for current generation platforms along with sales featured at select retailers.