We’re all dealing with the coronavirus. In some way, shape, or form, the virus is causing some type of restriction in our lives whether that’s simply staying home or forcing to move around schedules. For Naughty Dog, the COVID-19 virus is something that has really cost the studio some disappointment as their latest anticipated video game release which was set to release next month was ultimately shelved. Now fans worldwide are left wondering just when this game will make its way out into the market.
Delays are nothing unique to the video game industry however, being as close as a month out from the release is a bit of a hard pill to swallow for some fans. Naughty Dog and Sony decided that the The Last of Us Part 2 was not able to release on time. This is not because of the actual development process but because of the restrictions and limitations in place right now from the coronavirus.
Naughty Dog has stated that they are very close to the development being done with the game which would have lined up with the release date being May 29, 2020. With that said, there are some restrictions in place that may make it difficult to ship games into certain markets. In fact, this was the cause for Square Enix to release its Final Fantasy 7 Remake early into markets that would have been difficult to ship video game units in when the worldwide release date arrived.
While it doesn’t look like an early digital release is coming out for The Last of Us Part 2, we are seeing Sony and Naughty Dog work on a way to deliver the game into the market as soon as they can. Despite this, those that have already pre-ordered a copy of The Last of Us Part 2 digitally are getting refunded by Sony. This is also the case for Iron Man VR, so you may want to check your banking accounts and emails regarding the refund from Sony.