If you just bought a PlayStation 4, you likely have a few more games to play before you’re forced to start twiddling your thumbs. Killzone: Shadow Fall is packed with enough multiplayer mayhem to keep you glued to that DualShock 4 for dozens of hours, and while Knack isn’t exactly a homerun, its core single-player experience is going to take you quite some time to complete. However, after the cold winter months are over, cozy new software is going to be required to keep that sleek, black box in your entertainment center interesting.
Thankfully, InFamous: Second Son will be budding with the flowers in the spring, and these recently released screenshots make it all but impossible to survive the long wait until March to take control of Delsin Rowe in the now-dangerous city of Seattle. All of his explosive powers are on display in this collage of colors and violence, so if you need another reason to get excited for Sucker Punch’s big PS4 exclusive, look no further.
InFamous: Second Son will be making its way into our hearts and minds March 21, 2014 on the PS4. Until then, find something else to play and prepare for a super-powered spring.
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