Mortal Kombat is a well-known video game franchise that has been around for decades and through its lifetime we’ve received some actual film adaptations. There’s always an urge to get more video game film adaptations into the market and while most are not as great as fans had hoped for, Greg Russo is hoping that the Mortal Kombat film will be appealing enough to warrant a watch when it officially hits the cinema.
We’ve heard about a Mortal Kombat reboot film for a good while now such as it being confirmed to be rated R, but it was only until confirmation was sent out to the masses on Twitter by Greg Russo, the screenwriter behind the film, that this production has begun filming. There has been some character reveals being portrayed by select actors in the past, but directing this film is Simon McQuoid, a director who is making his film directorial debut within this film.
This may have some concerned as to how the Mortal Kombat film will be received and handled, but right now, there’s still plenty of questions left unanswered. We’re unsure of just what the story will be about. Of course, fans of the long-running video game franchise will likely head to the theaters when it does release to see for themselves how the fighting franchise return to the big screen once again.
Right now, it’s purely a waiting game to see a teaser, trailer, or even some production images surface online that may give some insight to what viewers can expect. As for the film itself, it looks like the intended release date is March 5, 2021, but that could easily change as we’re still early into the filming and production.
Source: CBR