Namco Bandai has announced a little something special as fanservice to customers who pre-order Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3. The pre-order bonus comes in the form of a swimsuit pack for Tsunade, and is exclusive to European versions of the game. Check her out above.
There’s been no announcement as to whether Japanese or American players will receive the same DLC for pre-ordering the game, or something else entirely.
According to SaiyanIsland, Japanese customers will be getting Swimsuit Sakura, Road to Ninja Sasuke, Road to Ninja Hinata, Goku Costume Naruto, and Samurai Naruto as confirmed DLCs. It’s unknown whether any of these will be provided as a part of the game’s pre-order incentives.
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3, better known as Naruto Storm 3, is the fourth game in the series of fighting games, and will be available on both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 early this March. The game’s story will take place simultaneously to the on-going anime series being broadcast on TV.