NPD to Track Digital Game Sales in US
"NPD’s Digital Games Tracking Service is the first service to provide the U.S. gaming industry with publisher-sourced data on digital game sales"
"NPD’s Digital Games Tracking Service is the first service to provide the U.S. gaming industry with publisher-sourced data on digital game sales"
UPDATE: Deep Silver patching the game today.
The gaming community has grown concerned about Mighty No. 9's Wii U version causing issues for the console itself.
"It's better than nothing", Comcept said of his $4 Million dollar game he developed over the course of three years.
Xbox 360, Mac, Linux versions delayed at last minute, joining the delayed 3DS and Vita versions. The six platforms that made it to launch have other technical issues as well.
Sumo Digital is still currently developing Dead Island 2.
Cancellation rumors about the Dead Island sequel rekindle after Deep Silver removes the Steam page.
According to the trailer - "Make the bad guys cry like an anime fan on prom night".
The game is set for release next month.
"The survey will restart tomorrow, May 17th 2016 (01:15AM PDT). We apologize for the confusion and trouble."
A "range of performance and framerate improvements" are offered by the update.
The Collection launches later this month for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
America was invaded because of your phone and tablet purchases.
Deep Silver details the game's "Merits" reward system.
This will be the game's first appearance on a Sony console.
It has now been officially revealed that Sumo Digital has taken over development of Dead Island 2.
Not only is the re-release of the first two Dead Islands still happening, so is a stand alone 16 bit retro game.
Dambuster Studio plans to support the game's single player and multiplayer for at least a year after release.
Could this be the fate of that Dead Island: Definitive Edition?
The Bundle contains the original game, plus GoatZ and the MMO simulator.