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Legendary Joker Cards are some of the best cards in your Balatro deck — but they’re also incredibly rare, and you’ll never find them if you’re playing normally. Legendary Joker Cards only appear from one source — Spectral or Arcana Booster Packs. Normally, you wouldn’t expect to get a Joker out of these random booster packs that only appear between blinds, but that’s the only way to get a Legendary Joker. And they’re the best cards in the game.
If you want to get one of the five Legendary Joker Cards, learn about unlocking them in the full guide below. Or you can check out our Balatro victory guide, explaining how to beat a run of Balatro with a specific seed.
How To Find Legendary Joker Cards
There are five Legendary Tier Joker cards. These cards are extremely rare and only spawn in a very specific way. Here’s how to find one if you’re very, very lucky.
- Legendary Joker Cards will only appear in Arcana or Spectral Booster Packs. There is a very small chance a Legendary Joker Card spawner will appear in the card select options.
- You’ll need to purchase an Arcana / Spectral Booster Pack in the Store Menu between Blinds. A special Soul / Bloodstone card will appear in the selection if a Legendary has spawned — it looks like a large gemstone.
- Selecting this card will automatically spawn a random Legendary Joker.
Legendary Joker cards do NOT need to be unlocked. All five cards are already unlocked at the start of your game and have no further requirements.
The only requirement is that they don’t appear in the normal Storefront or from Joker Booster Packs. They ONLY appear in Arcana or Spectral Card Booster Packs, which means you may miss your chance if you’re ignoring these card packs.
What Are The Legendary Jokers?
There are five Legendary Joker cards, and some of these cards can completely alter the way you play — they’re all extremely good, so here’s a full list of the cards and what they can do.
- Canio: This Joker gains x1 Mult when a face card is destroyed.
- Chicot: Disables effect of every Boss Blind.
- Perkeo: Creates a Negative copy of 1 random consumable card in your possession at the end of the shop. (Negative adds +1 Consumable Slot.)
- Triboulet: Played Kings and Queens each give x2 Mult when scored.
- Yorick: This Joker gains x1 Mult every 23 cards discarded.
All of these cards are extremely good, but our favorite is Yorick — which we used in our victory guide to finally beat the 8/8 Ante Boss. All of these Legendary Cards are viable for different strategies — the tricky part is getting the right card when you’re ready to fully exploit its power.
Remember, to get Legendary Jokers, you need to buy those Arcana and Spectral Booster Packs. Those are usually low on our beginner Balatro priority list, but knowing a Legendary might spawn? That suddenly makes them very, very important.