There’s more than just slobbering monsters and evil puppets to fight in Lies of P. You’ll also have to take on some tough puzzles — as you progress through the story, you’ll be able to collect special Treasure Hunt quests from items called Cryptic Vessels. These Cryptic Vessels will give you a clue where to go, but don’t always give you all the details you need. You may need to use specific emotes or equip certain weapons to solve these puzzles. Finding them all will unlock the Veteran Explorer achievement / trophy.
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How To Solve All Cryptic Vessels | Treasure Hunt
There are 6 Cryptic Vessels to unlock in Lies of P. After discovering a Cryptic Vessel, you’ll be able to follow the image to a specific location and solve a small puzzle. The solutions aren’t always clear, even if you know where to go. Here’s how to find all the Cryptic Vessels and how to solve each one.
Jeweled Cryptic Vessel: Estella Opera House Entrance – In the Opera House entrance, go down the stairs to the lower level. Past a clown enemy, you’ll enter a room with two ladders. Climb the smaller ladder that leads to a chest containing this vessel.
- Solution: To solve the first Cryptic Vessel, go to Cerasani Alley and follow the river path down to a high ledge dead end. Use the Check Ground emote to get the treasure.
Old Cryptic Vessel: Barren Swamp Bridge – At the bridge, talk to the vendor Hugo to gain this vessel.
- Solution: Start at the Path of the Pilgrim and use the lift. Go up the hill path to another old building with a locked door and hanging laundry outside. This is the area that matches the Cryptic Vessel image. Talk to the NPC to get a key to unlock the door.
Rusty Cryptic Vessel: Progress the side-quest for Polendina and give her supplies. Do this and you’ll be able to purchase this Cryptic Vessel for 1,000 Ergo.
- Solution: Return to the Barren Swamp Bridge where Hugo is located. Enter the cave to solve the puzzle.
Alidoro’s Cryptic Vessel: Relic of Trismegitus Combat Field – Defeat the boss Allidoro the Hound to acquire this vessel.
- Solution: N/A
Crafted Cryptic Vessel: St. Frangelico Cathedral Chapel – Beneath the pool of sludge, push down a fire brazier — then check below. A path below leads to a door with a chest containing this vessel.
- Solution: Travel to Elysian Boulevard and knock down the hanging puppet on Alchemist Bridge. You can attack the body to make it drop down and get another clue. The next clue will take you to Krat City Hall — from the checkpoint, ride the lift down and return to the bridge where the Mad Donkey arena is located.
Mechanical Cryptic Vessel: Arche Abbey Broken Rift – Climb the ladder to the top level of the Abbey. At the burning pit, and pasted the tough tentacled enemy, take the second path on the right to reach a treasure chest. This is the opposite direction from the lever you need to progress.
- Solution: Return to the Abandoned Apartment and use the nearby bridge (made of a fallen sign board) — and take the narrow path to the left. Reach the merchant NPC past the group of monster dogs. Equip the Frozen Feast weapon, then talk to the merchant to solve this riddle.
That’s all 6 Cryptic Vessels. For solving them all, you’ll unlock the Veteran Explorer achievement / trophy.