Evil West is the new action game that sees players taking up the role of Jesse Rentier, a vampire-hunting cowboy that needs to use his electrical Gauntlet to punch and slam his way through waves upon waves of vampires and demons to ensure the safety of the world. Along his journey, players will stumble upon many collectibles, which include Lore to flesh out the setting, Cash that can be found in either pouches, crates, or small chests and can be used to buy upgrades for your equipment, and Unique Chests that can hold even more Gold, skins for your weapons and character, and even secret skills and abilities. In total, there are 393 collectibles found throughout the game’s 16 levels.
Wounded and outgunned, Jesse, regroups and starts to set in motion the counterattack against Felicity’s forces. This guide will show players where to find all of the collectibles in Chapter 5: The Devil’s Pass in Evil West.
All Chapter 5 Collectibles In Evil West
Chapter 5: The Devil’s Pass sees Jesse and the survivors of the Institute attack regrouping at an Institute hideout in Calico with the leader of the town’s cell, Dr. Emilia Blackwell, and her assistant Vergil Olney. With the team, especially his wounded father, under a safe roof, Jesse sets out to find Agent Bloom at the titular Devil’s Pass to see if he can help with the upcoming Sanguisuge war. In this Chapter, there are a total of 26 collectibles with 5 Lore items, 19 Cash pick-ups, and 2 Chests. Below is a full breakdown of where to find all the items to collect in the mission.
Lore #1
After the mission’s opening cutscene, you will regain control of Jesse inside Emilia’s lab in Calico. Look at the table at the center of the room to find the level’s first piece of Lore.

Lore #2
Follow the Mission Marker to Vergil’s workshop. Right next to the Perk Respec machine you will find another Lore item sitting on a worktable.

Cash #1
Turn back towards Emilia’s lab and go down the stairs. Behind the interrogation room, you will find a couple of cells. On a barrel in this hall, you will find a pouch of Cash.

Cash #2
Go back up the stairs and to the right. Go all the way to the entrance of the secret facility. Right next to the entrance you will find another Cash pickup.

Cash #3
Return to the Briefing Room and talk to the other characters to travel to the mission proper. Once at the Devil’s Pass, make your way down the slope towards the cave on the side of the cliff. Near the edge of the cliff is a carriage that will fall once you get too close to it. Next to it is a box with Cash sitting on it.

Cash #4
Go to the left of the Cash above and you will find a fork at the entrance of the cave. Go to the right to find a small chest of gold at the end of it.

Cash #5
Returning to the fork, go to the left and head down the story path. Along the right wall, you will find a glowing chest.

Cash #6
After fighting a group of enemies, destroy the pile of TNT to the right of the entrance to find more Cash sitting on a crate in shallow water.

Lore #3
Continue down the story path. Right before you are tasked with shooting down a chain to progress, you will find this Lore collectible in plain sight.

Cash #7
Climb the chain and battle the new Nagal werewolf-like enemies. There is a destroyed house that the Nagal come out of at the start of the battle. To the left of this building is a body hanging in a tree that you can shoot down for Cash.

Chest #1
Progress down the story path by hopping down to a cliffside below the house. On this cliff, you will be given the tutorial for the Unique Chests, with this one being put in plain sight. Impossible to miss.

Cash #8
Continue through the mission until you reach a destroyed bridge. Directly to the left of the bridge is where you will find the Cash obscured by some bushes.

Cash #9
After defeating the new Brute enemy in the next enemy encounter, hop up onto the cliff next to the hole the Brute entered through.

Cash #10
Go into the hole made by the Brute and squeeze through a small crevice. On the other side, you will find some TNT to destroy. Use it to clear a path to more Cash.

Cash #11
Go to the right of the TNT to go up a slight hill. You will find a gap that you can’t jump across yet. Turn around to see a glowing chest.

Cash #12
Hop down from the ledge to move the train cart to the gap you need to jump across. To the right of the cart is Cash on a barrel.

Cash #13
Climb back up and jump across the gap to continue down the story path and pick up the Cash on your left.

Cash #14
Drop down from the previous Cash and turn to the right to find another pouch of Cash.

Cash #15
Run forward to the waterway and go down to the left. At the end of the water is a rock blocking your path and a pouch of Gold.

Cash #16
Go back up the right side of the waterway. At the top is a glowing crate.

Cash #17
From the previous Cash, hop down from the ledge and look to the left to find the glowing grate.

Cash #18
To the right of the previous crate is a chained barricade that you can punch through your Gauntlet. You will find a small Cash chest behind the barricade.

Lore #4
Progress down the main story path until you need to shoot down a piece of wood to make a bridge. Across this bridge is where you will find next to some dead bodies.

Cash #19
In the arena where you fight the Highborn mini-boss, you can find Cash sitting on a box at the far side of the entrance.

Lore #5
Leave the arena where you fought the Highborn and you will find the final Lore pickup to the left.

Chest #2
After a brief scene with the upcoming boss burrowing beneath the ground, go to the right and jump down a ledge to find another Unique Chest.

With all of that found, you now have all of the collectibles in Chapter 5: The Devil’s Pass for Evil West. You can now continue to the next mission, Chapter 6: Remote RI Outpost.
Stay tuned to Gameranx for guides, tips, and tricks on the achievements of Evil West!
More Evil West Guides:
Evil West: Full Achievement and Trophy List | Evil West: How to Play Co-Op | Evil West: All Chapter 1 Collectibles | Questionable Cargo Lore, Cash, and Chest Locations | Evil West: All Chapter 2 Collectibles | The Raid Lore, Cash, and Chest Locations | Evil West: All Chapter 3 Collectibles | The First Spark Lore, Cash, and Chest Locations | Evil West: All Chapter 4 Collectibles | From Dusk Till Dawn Lore, Cash, and Chest Locations