Evil West is the new action game that sees players taking up the role of Jesse Rentier, a vampire-hunting cowboy that needs to use his electrical Gauntlet to punch and slam his way through waves upon waves of vampires and demons to ensure the safety of the world. Along his journey, players will stumble upon many collectibles, which include Lore to flesh out the setting, Cash that can be found in either pouches, crates, or small chests and can be used to buy upgrades for your equipment, and Unique Chests that can hold even more Gold, skins for your weapons and character, and even secret skills and abilities. In total, there are 393 collectibles found throughout the game’s 16 levels.
After derailing a train and taking a hostage, Jese and Edgar set out to capture the high-ranking Sanguisuge, Peter D’Abano. This guide will show players where to find all of the collectibles in Chapter 2: The Raid in Evil West.
All Chapter 2 Collectibles In Evil West
Chapter 2: The Raid sees Jesse and Edgar punching and blasting their way through the Belmontville (I see what you did there) Mines to find D’Abano with the help of Chester Morgan. Along the way, you will find some Cash and Lore as well as be introduced to the Unique Chest collectibles. In this Chapter, there are a total of 16 collectibles with 2 Lore items, 11 Cash pick-ups, and 1 Chest. Below is a full breakdown of where to find all the items to collect in the mission.
Cash #1
Soon after starting the mission and receiving the Repeater from Edgar, you will cross a small wooden bridge. At the end of the bridge on the right, you will see a glowing box. Destroy it to find the gold inside.

Cash #2
After your first combat encounter against some bandits, you will find a chained-up door that the gunmen were shooting at. Approach it and punch the chained door down with your Gauntlet. Inside to the right, you will find gold on a shelf.

Chest #1: Ghost Scarf Skin
In the same building where you found the previous Cash, turn around and go into the room on the left of the entrance. Inside here you will find the game’s first Unique Chest.

Lore #1: Familiar Tattoo Project
Exit the building and enter the barn by hopping over a waist-high fence. Inside on a barrel is the first piece of Lore for Chapter 2.

Cash #3
The next three Cash pick-ups are in the same general area. Climb up the stairs to the top floor of the barn and then jump down to the street below. loot to the building on the right to see a hanged man. Shoot him down with your repeater to collect the gold from his body.

Cash #4
Go straight from the body and turn left to find a small gap that you swing across. Here you will find a glowing box with gold in it.

Cash #5
Finally, turn back to the barn that you came from. Looking at the barn, go to the left past a broken carriage. On the other side of the carriage is a small chest that you can open for some gold.

Cash #6
Progress down the main story path and clear out an area with some bandits in a destroyed house. Once all the enemies are dealt with, go back to where you entered the area and look left. You can enter a small shed that has gold in it.

Cash #7
Enter the house that the bandits were held up in and go to the left room from the entrance to find some gold on a table.

Cash #8
You will now need to enter an underground mine. This is a small maze that you will need to fully explore to find the two pieces of Cash you can find here. Upon entering, go forward until you reach a fork, and then go to the right. Shoot the TNT directly in front of you and go forward. Hug the right wall until you reach a dead end. At the dead end, look left to find a glowing crate.

Cash #9
From the previous Cash, blow up the TNT down the left path and you will reach a space you can squeeze through. Don’t of through let and instead go to the left of the crevice and you will find a pouch of Cash sitting on a box.

Lore #2: Peter D’Abano’s Notes 1/3
progress through the level until you get past a cutscene. Continue down the main path and defeat one group of enemies. Hop over an obstacle and progress just before the point that you are supposed to jump down a ledge. Sitting on a piece of rubble is the second piece of Lore.

Cash #10
There is a path to the left of the Lore mentioned above, go down it and blow up some TNT at the end of it. You will reach a small area with a Cash chest for you to open.

Cash #11
Return to the main path and defeat a wave of enemies. You will then need to climb up onto another ledge, where you will meet the new flying Screeching Devil enemy type. Once defeated, look to the left from where you entered to find another ledge you can jump down. On the platform below is a Cash chest.

Lore #3: Peter D’Abano’s Notes 2/3
Progress through the level until you need to get past a gate. On the other side of the gate in plain sight is the Lore item.

Lore #4: Peter D’Abano’s Notes 3/3
The final collectible is found near the end of the level. Progress down the main path until you need to destroy four counterweights to open a gate. Progress past the gate until you reach a split in the path. To the right should be a piece of rubble to need to hop over to reach the end of the level. Instead, look to the left to find the final Lore piece.

With all of that found, you now have all of the collectibles in Chapter 2: The Raid for Evil West. You can now continue to the next mission, Chapter 3: The First Spark.
Stay tuned to Gameranx for guides, tips, and tricks on the achievements of Evil West!
More Evil West Guides:
Evil West: Full Achievement and Trophy List | Evil West: How to Play Co-Op | Evil West: All Chapter 1 Collectibles | Questionable Cargo Lore, Cash, and Chest Locations