With Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the beloved game franchise has more content within its entries than ever. One of the newest additions to the world of Pokemon is the ominous Ruin Stakes. These are pillars that are scattered across the Paldea region for players to find. Doing so will unlock shrines once a certain number of stakes have been used. Unfortunately, these mysterious obelisks are scattered about the region, making them something of a rare fine for players willing to put the work in to discover them. All in all, there are thirty-two Ruin Stakes to discover and unearth for yourself. Here is our guide to the Ruin Stakes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
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What Are Ruin Stakes?

These mysterious pillars are towering obelisks that players must unearth out of the ground. They range in their type and are split into four sets of pillars. Players who pull out eight of the same color pillar will unlock a shrine. Unlocking shrines will allow players to catch legendary Pokemon. It should be noted, however, that to reach all of the stakes, players must fully upgrade either Miraidon or Koraidon. However, this is not the only prerequisite, as players must also defeat all five of the game’s Titans. The reason why you must do this is simple, the areas you need to traverse will require you to have certain climbing or swimming abilities.
Pulling these stakes from the ground will allow players to interact with various Legendary Pokemon. This is the only way to obtain most of the Pokemon. So far, we know of four different Legendary Pokemon that can be obtained in this manner. Each of them has its own unique typing as well as a unique location within the games. We shall be covering which Pokemon are at which shrine and how to access them below.
Where to Find All Pokemon Violet and Pokemon Scarlet Ruin Stakes
The locations of all of the Ruin Stakes are marked below. These are split into four different colors corresponding with the four separate Legendaries. You can obtain these by entering their Shrine by gathering the Ruin Stakes. Players should note that if you are able to befriend the history professor at your respective academy, they will kindly mark these locations for you. We recommend doing this to make the entire process easier, but if you don’t want to take the time to befriend this person, then we have you covered with the maps shown below.
The Grasswither Shrine

The Grasswither Shrine is home to one of the four Legendary Pokemon you can obtain by using the Ruin Stakes to access Shrines. This particular shrine is located in the southeast of Paldea and is home to the Grass-Dark type Legendary. If you are going to face this Pokemon, then it is highly recommended that you come prepared. Players who choose a Fire-type starter or were wise enough to gather one in the wild and train it up will be greatly aided by having a Fire-type on their team. Wo-Chien is the name of the Pokemon, and they can be obtained by uprooting all of the Ruin Stakes in the area, then visiting the Pokemon Shrine. These pillars should be relatively easy to find as they glow a luminescent purple within the world. They are also focused on the southeastern side of Paldea, as shown above.
The Firescourge Shrine

The Firescourge Shrine is located in the Northeast region of Paldea and is home to the Legendary Chi-Yu. Chi-Yu is a Dark and Fire-type Pokemon, which makes for a formidable combination. However, if players have a strong Water type on their team, then they should be able to make short work of this Legendary Pokemon. This Dark/Fire fish may look intimidating, but if you are not careful and do not come prepared, they will fully take advantage and wipe out your team. Much like with Wo-Chien, this Pokemon’s shrine can be obtained by finding the Black Stakes in the region. The Ruin Stakes for this region will glow blue, making them relatively simple to spot in the wild. If you search out the northeast region on your map, you should have little problem with finding the Ruin Stakes shown here.
The Icerend Shrine

The Icerend Shrine is located in the Southwest region of Paldea. This Shrine is home to Chien-Pao. Chien-Pao is a Legendary Pokemon with a Dark/Ice typing. When you face this monster, it will be at level 60, so it is highly advised that you level your Pokemon appropriately. If players have a Fire-type Pokemon, this would be a great time to use them in order to deal with this Legendary Pokemon. Doing so will allow you to use highly effective fire moves on this icy creature. The creature has a really striking visage, as you don’t see many Dark/Ice snails running around the world. Players should also come equipped for the battle with plenty of supplies to capture this Legendary. The Ruin Stakes needed to unlock this shrine are perhaps the easiest to find, as they glow a fluorescent yellow.
The Groundblight Shrine

The Groundblight Shrine is home to the Legendary Ting-Lu. This Legendary Pokemon is a Dark/Ground type that is highly formidable, so players should take caution when confronting them. It is heavily advised that the Pokemon in your party are at least level 60 or higher when facing this behemoth. One of the challenges that come with facing this Pokemon is simply reaching them. Players will need to go through the Path of Legends in order to get certain traversal skills to make this easier. It would also be helpful to have a good supply of Ultra Balls on you to ensure a catch.
The Ruin Stakes for this Shrine glow a bright green, which makes them easier to see in the world. See the map above for details of their location. Most of the Ruin Stakes needed for this Shrine are located in the northwestern quadrant of the map, as seen above.