Genshin Impact is known for having incredibly intricate world quests. It’s safe to say that many players aren’t ready for the behemoth of a task that completing the Aranara quest line is. Within days of Sumeru’s launch players were putting out PSA’s warning others of the sheer length of this questline. With four parts to go through, it’s no surprise that players are getting overwhelmed when trying to unlock Dream Varana and saving Rena. The quest is nearby though as it unlocks parts of Sumeru that you can’t reach otherwise.
Below is a starter guide to the second part of this questline titled the Dream Nursery, before you start make sure to set aside a lot of time.
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The World of Aranara

The World of Aranara starts as soon as Rena’s fate is revealed you will be sent on your way to obtain the Vintage Lyre. This part of the quest is rather simple, just head back to Vimara Village and speak with Amadhiah. After some quick dialogue, he will give the item to you.
Here are some things to note about the Vintage Lyre:
- It automatically shows you the notes you need to play for the current puzzle, you don’t need to memorize them.
- There are three different menus that you will need to switch between for songs.
- You will need to learn songs before using them to unlock puzzles.
- If you try to play the Vintage Lyre on a puzzle whose song you haven’t learned, it won’t work even if you look the song up.
- You can’t use the regular Lyre as a substitute for this instrument.
At this point you will want to head to Vanarana, it’s easy to locate as it’s in the northern part of Sumeru that will remain blacked out on your map.
Once you get into Vanarana, you will notice it’s rather empty. Head further in onto you find an arch made of trees, you will want to equip and play the Vinage Lyre here. Once you do, step into the arch to start a mini-game.
Here’s how to win the trial of the Phantasmal Seed:
- Collet 15 Dendro particles, these will look like green bugs, and each one will grant you a boost to your timer.
- Disregard the enemies, they will only slow you down, in addition, being struck by an enemy reduces your timer.
- The plants that appear during the trial can be stood beside to lose enemies’ aggression.
- You can use elemental attacks on the mushroom to help you locate the remaining particles.
- Once you complete all 15 head back to the arch and interact with it to donate the.
After you complete this mini-game a Dendro flow will appear leading you to a stone, once you arrive pull out your Vintage Lyre and play it. Once you do, the village will change and you will be able to see the Aranara, Your first task is to gain their trust, this is done by helping out three different Aranara in the village, their locations will be marked on your mini-map.
These tasks consist of clearing rocks from a doorway and beating two different patches of monsters. Once this is done you will need to defeat two waves of Pyro Whooperflowers before finally being able to unlock the last part of the village. You will want to speak to Silapna and then head to the marked location to once again play your Vintage Lyre. Once this is done, head inside the large house and talk with the leader of the Aranara to unlock the next part of the quest.
*Several new features will be unlocked after completing this, scroll to the unlock section below for more information.
Unlocking The Vintage Lyre Songs in Genshin Impact

The next thing you will want to focus on is unlocking all the songs that you can play on the vintage lyre. To do this you will need to complete a series of three short quests. These quests are simple and train you how to complete various tasks. Keep in mind that like the other pats of the quest this is a lengthy process.
- Here is how unlocking each song goes:
- Find the corresponding Aranara and speak with them.
- Line up the roses until they are all sparkling and then play the new song for the first time on your Vintage Lyre.
- Head to the next quest area and learn how to use the new song to complete world puzzles.
- You will now take on a withering zone, after you beat it go to the nearby tree to enter a domain.
- The domain will make use of the Sumeru puzzles, navigate your way through and defeat all the enemies to leave. These domains are easy and rather straightforward.
After you unlock all three songs, you will find that you will be able to solve most of the puzzles in Sumeru. For the next part of Dream Nursery, you will want to start the lengthy task of going through the long list of quests.
What You Unlock at The End of The World of Aranara in Genshin Impact

Completing The World of Aranara is a huge deal as it unlocks several different features. Without completing these quests you will actually be blocked out of a key features and some of the regions puzzles.
Here’s what you unlock by completing The World of Aranara:
- Ability to use the Vintage Lyre and learn songs.
- Ability to donate Dendro Sigils to the Tree of Dreams in exchange for rewards.
- Ability to buy the Sumeru weapon line.
- The ability to access the Vanarana Statue of the Seven.
- Access to the Aranara shop.
Be sure to visit the Tree of Dreams right away to get rewards for your accumulated Dendro Sigils.