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- How To Beat Odur | Sea of Trees Boss
- How To Beat The Fool’s God | Sea of Trees Optional Boss 1
- How To Beat Mutated Odur | Sea of Trees Optional Boss 2
- How To Beat Hanged Queen | Royal Garden Boss
- How To Beat Sound of the Abyss | Royal Garden Optional Boss
- How To Beat Varg | Hermes Fortress Boss
- How To Beat Urd | Hermes Fortress Optional Boss
- How To Beat Corvus | Final Boss

Combat is the real strength of Thymesia, and the unique battle mechanics really become important during the massive (and challenging) boss battles awaiting players. There are eight boss battles in Thymesia, and some of these fights really give Sekiro a run for its money — they’re fast-paced, brutal, and force you to become a parrying master if you want to survive for long. Mastering standard attack, claw attack, dodge, deflect and Feather Darts is an art. You’ll need to use everything you’ve learned to overcome the insane difficulty of Urd and the final boss. If you’re struggling, check out some of our tips — practice is important, and mastering the Deflect talent is even more important.
Before taking on any bosses, you absolutely must unlock Short Dodge. Short Dodge is one of the most important skills in your arsenal. Enhance Feather Darts too — the more you have (or the faster they recharge) the more you can interrupt critical attacks. Finally, you’ll also absolutely want to unlock Deflect upgrades. If you’re not great at Deflecting, there are talents that lower Deflect damage but increase the effectiveness window. Essentially, you can make Deflecting much easier by upgrading it. If you’re really good at timing, you can enhance the damage to make the final fights end even faster. You’ll have to learn Deflect, even if you ignored it for most of the game. The top three bosses require Deflect skills.
More Thymesia guides:
Beginner’s Guide | All Endings Guide | Best Talents To Get First | Odur Boss Guide

How To Beat Odur | Sea of Trees Boss
We’ve already covered Odur’s boss fight here. Gere are the basics to help you win.
- Get Short Dodge and fully upgrade the number of Potion uses by defeating all the difficult enemies in the Sea of Trees area.
- Dodge through his attacks and equip a powerful Plague Weapon to deal damage. The Handaxe is a simple weapon that can easily get through his defenses.
- Interrupt his critical attacks with a Feather Dart. Incredibly useful — it leaves him stunned. He’ll always use a critical art after throwing two projectiles.
- Practice Deflect and use claws to quickly sap his wound meter.

How To Beat The Fool’s God | Sea of Trees Optional Boss 1
This giant demonic nightmare isn’t nearly as tough as it looks. You don’t fight it — you just need to reach the end of the gauntlet.
- To defeat the Fool’s God, duck into the safe spots and clear the yellow poison pods in your path. At the Acrobat enemy, defeat it and climb the ladder up. Follow the ladders onto the top of the scaffolding and hide behind the wooden walls to avoid poison.
- Reach the end of the top path to deliver the killing blow.
To make this area easier, wait until you defeat the Hanged Queen and equip the Blood Storm Plague Weapon. This allows you to heal with energy — and you’ll have plenty of energy in this level.
- Equip a Talent to increase your Feather Dart charges. This makes destroying the yellow pods from afar easier. If you have 7, you’ll be able to quickly destroy them and progress.
The hardest part of this is getting past the Acrobat. Go in with full health and charges and remember to deflect her auto-targeting critical attack with Feather Darts. Throw two just to be safe. It is extremely difficult to climb up the ladder while she’s alive.

How To Beat Mutated Odur | Sea of Trees Optional Boss 2
Mutated Odur is a fast and frantic boss you should save for the end of the game. He’s the third toughest boss — right behind Urd.
- Bring the Great Sword Plague Weapon or any other that can stun him. This gives you a chance to deal damage and attack for a few seconds. He is extremely fast and heals wounds almost instantly. The only way to deal damage otherwise is to apply constant pressure.
To keep pressuring him, use Deflect. Learning the timing on his tentacle attacks is paramount, and even his area-of-effect strikes can be countered with deflect. He’ll often retreat and hit you with three quick tentacle strikes, then a fourth after a beat. Be prepared to deflect all of them!
- Be prepared to use Feather Darts to counter his critical attacks. He uses these often, and a quick dart will deal serious health damage and leave him stunned.
You’ll need to constantly switch up attack types — use claws often to get his wound health down before he heals. He heals extremely quickly, so if he retreats you won’t have much time. Buy yourself time with Feather Darts, as they lower his healing rate.
- When he glows red, disengage and run away. His attack is very powerful and can’t be dodged if he catches up to you.
He only has one phase and his health is relatively low. He never slows down, constantly moving and healing his wounds. That’s why the Great Sword of any other stunning Plague Weapon is really, really useful for dealing some guaranteed damage.

How To Beat Hanged Queen | Royal Garden Boss
The Hanged Queen only has one phase and is much, much easier to deal with than Odur.
- The Hanged Queen heals itself. When it grows red crystals on its chest, it will begin healing itself. When it puffs out its chest and glows red, start attacking with regular attacks. It takes high damage — but constantly heals and retreats.
Best strategy? Sprint toward it. Dodge through its blast projectile attack and dodge away when it flies into the air and crashes back down. It will do this constantly. Just attack up close.
- There’s no easy way to stop it from healing. You’re given an opening to attack when it does — try to deal as much damage as possible to stop it. Don’t let it regroup. Just keep following it when it retreats and keep attacking during openings.
When it gives out a very long roar, it’s about to unleash a powerful AOE attack. You need to sprint away from it, or you will get hit with its blast. It deals about 50% health. If you just eat the damage and heal, you can continue to fight up close. It did this attack about three times in my run, so enough that I could tank the hits.
- Its only other attack generates giant blood crystals. Just stay out of the roiling blood puddles and you’ll be fine.

How To Beat Sound of the Abyss | Royal Garden Optional Boss
This massive worm-like boss is completely different than other encounters. You’ll have to dodge and wait to attack.
- It has three attacks. Its first attack is usually a lunge forward and slam the tentacles into the wall at your location. Dodge out of the way and attack the crystallized weak points. Make sure to deal wound damage before it retreats so it can’t heal back up.
- It may lunge attack, then retreat quickly. If it does, dodge a second time. It will always stop after two.
It may also slam the ceiling, causing crystals to fall. Sprint and avoid the red circles — eventually a large circle will appear. Run to the edge and dodge to avoid getting hit. With a little practice, you can easily dodge this attack without taking damage.
- The final attack is a swing that covers the entire arena. Get the Defense Talent to guard against its attack, or just tank the hit — if you have six healing vials, you’ll have plenty to complete this fight. You’ll normally get hit three times with this attack.
- After it slides across the arena, sprint to the head and you’ll be able to hit it while it recovers.
-Destroy the first phase, and the second phase will begin. This is a very short phase — you’ll only need one healing vial for this section tops. Crystals will rain down and large boulders will fall on the edge of the arena. Sprint to the center and wait for the monster to crash. Perform a finishing attack on the worm and you’ll defeat it.

How To Beat Varg | Hermes Fortress Boss
Varg is an extremely aggressive boss that utilizes several combo attacks. His battle is relatively straightforward — you have to be very aggressive and avoid taking damage.
- Varg deals extreme damage if he lands a hit with any attack. Make sure you have the maximum amount of healing charges — you’ll need all six.
- For even more healing, equip the Blood Storm Plague Weapon you acquired defeating the Hanged Queen. This can be used to heal. Wait for a combo to complete to heal.
Short Dodge is incredibly useful for this fight. Upgrade to the top tier Short Dodge to gain Defensive buffs whenever you successfully dodge through his attacks.
- Deflect is also incredibly powerful here. His attacks are easy to predict, but even a single hit will deal extreme damage. If you aren’t a deflect master, dodging is much easier — but deflect will rapidly drain his health bar, allowing you to quickly chip away at his wound meter.
Dodge, dodge, dodge. His combos always wind down after about three swings, but you can fit in a few small strikes between his swings. He also recovers his health very quickly, so use Feather Darts to slow his healing rate.
Phase 2 is almost the same as Phase 1. He’s slightly more aggressive, heals wounds faster, and unlocks his ultimate. When his eye glows red, disengage and sprint backwards. You can sprint easier if you disable lock-on. Sprint away and he won’t be able to grab you. If you’re far enough away, dodge backwards too — if he touches you at all, he’ll use his ultimate to deal 50% damage.

How To Beat Urd | Hermes Fortress Optional Boss
Urd is the most skilled swordswoman in the game. She’s able to strike and weave around the battlefield faster than anyone else — making her an extremely difficult boss.
- -Urd is extremely susceptible to wound damage but won’t even flinch when hit with standard health attacks. To defeat Urd, you must upgrade your Deflect Talents.
Deflect is the best and easiest way to defeat Urd. Deflect x3 when she lunges forward with her straight sword to deal huge health bar damage — then strike with claws. She will flinch whenever hit with claws, allowing you to deal massive damage very quickly.
- Practice, practice, practice. Practice Deflect and unlock Deflect talents to make this fight easier. When she glows green, use the Step And Jump talent / Mikiri Counter to deal even more damage. You need to stand your ground or she’ll run circles around you. Deflect her combos and dodge when you need to back off for healing.
She has a strange attack that ties into her ultimate. She will throw an explosive spear into the ground. Whenever she does this again, it will set off an explosion at that other spear sites. For her Ultimate (Phase 2) this causes a massive explosion at each spear site. Avoid them at all times and you’ll never have to worry about her ultimate.
- In Phase 2, she’s even faster — the best way to deal damage is to counter her critical attacks after a combo. Use Feather Darts to stun her (or Step and Jump if you’re brave) to give yourself an opening.
- She’s so aggressive you can easily remove 50% of her standard white health bar in a single combo if you deflect all of her attacks. Make sure to get in those wounding claw attacks between combos and whenever you counter her critical attacks. She’ll be especially vulnerable.
If you can learn how to deflect constantly, you’ll be able to win this fight. Unlock Deflect skills to slightly increase the deflect window if you’re struggling — and bring x6 Healing Charges and Blood Storm for those extra heals. You can easily use Blood Storm during her ultimate attack.

How To Beat Corvus | Final Boss
Corvus is arguably the hardest fight in the game. Before taking him on, I highly recommend fighting the optional boss Urd in the Hermes Fortress memories. She’s the closest fight — like Urd, you need to practice Deflect.
- Corvus is extremely nimble, uses a large variety of powerful Plague Weapons, and heals from wounds extremely fast.
- To pressure Corvus and put him in a wounded state that will give you time to heal or wound him with claws, use the Great Sword Plague Weapon. This is easy to hit from far away and has a special buff at Vitality 10 that gives you Super Armor when using it.
The Mikiri Counter / Step and Jump Talent is also highly valuable here. Though you’re often better off using the Feather Darts as these will briefly stun Corvus, giving you time to get close and use claws.
- Claws are your primary weapon here. Use Deflect to drain his health bar and claws to wipe out his green wound bar before it regenerates. If he escapes or if he has a particularly large green health, I highly recommend using Great Sword to stun him, giving you more time to dismantle his wound meter.
Like Urd, you need to learn as many of Corvus’s attacks as possible. One of the best attacks to Deflect is his standard sword attack. He attacks in a pattern of three attacks, then two very fast attacks, then one last attack.
–Follow this pattern. Each “x” represents a deflect: x, x, x – xx, x
- You can also easily deflect his three-hit spear attack or use Step and Jump / Feather Dart to interrupt. His own Great Sword attack is also a great candidate. Otherwise, dodge!
I recommend using Short Dodge for his claw attacks. They’re very difficult to time your Reflects. For simplicity, use Short Dodge for any attacks you haven’t memorized or if you’re struggling to Deflect. As long as you know one or two, you can rapidly drain the boss’s health bar. This fight can be over in a few minutes if you’re aggressively deflecting.
- If you need more health, bring the Blood Storm Plague Weapon as your secondary. Due to the nature of this fight, you’ll be generating a ton of energy. The tricky part is just finding an opening for healing. Corvus rarely gives you time.
Deflect the attacks you know, dodge the attacks you don’t for defense buffs, and use Great Sword to put Corvus on his back and deal huge damage to his wound meter. If you can do that, you’ll finally defeat this extremely intense final boss.