Mission 8 of Sniper Elite 5 is the end to everything the game has been building to. Operation Kraken is about to wipe out the American east coast, so it’s up to you to stop the Moller’s plan. Despite that, you can take some time to get some collectibles along the way! This guide will show players where to find all the collectibles in Mission 8: Rubble and Ruin in Sniper Elite 5.
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All Mission 8 Collectibles In Sniper Elite 5
Sniper Elite 5‘s eighth mission has a total of 19 collectibles found across the ruined city. These collectibles consist of 5 Personal Letters, 5 Classified Documents, 3 Hidden Items, 3 Stone Eagles, and 3 Workbenches. It is important to note that once you enter the sewers leading to the northern facility, you will not be able to return to the ruined city, so make sure you get all the collectibles in the city before advancing. I will be labeling items that you get after you enter the sewers with a red asterisk (*), so keep an eye out for those. A map is provided to show players where to find each of these collectibles, with a greater breakdown of where to find each one found below.

All 5 Personal Letters
- It’s Not Over Yet! – This first Personal Letter is found towards the southeast of the map in the destroyed hotel. On the first floor in a room facing the south, you will find the Letter sitting on a desk.

- Clean Out the Sewer* – Once you enter the sewers, head to the end of the first hallway and then turn left. There will be a gate blocking your path, but you will find the Personal Letter on the floor.

- He’s Not The Sharpest – There is a destroyed theater at the center of the map with a machine gun overlooking the road between it and the church. To the right of the MG in the church is a chest that you need to pry open with a crowbar which can be found across from the chest on the same floor of the theater. This is where you will find the Personal Letter.

- Your Man Talked! – This Personal Letter is found in a destroyed building at the south of the map. You can enter via a ladder that you can reach from a back alley or by blowing open the front door with a satchel charge. On the first floor is the key for the building. head back up to the top floor and unlock the door that you find up there. Inside on a desk is the Personal Letter.

- Möller Is Moving! – Go to the building that you use as the “Sea View Office” Starting Location at the southeast end of the map. You will find the final Personal Letter sitting on a desk on the first floor of the building.

All 5 Classified Documents
- Secure Radio Lines – This Classified Document is found at the default Starting Location for the mission, “City Outskirts.” The first area with some enemies is a small square with supplies scattered about. You will find the Classified Document on a box.

- Broken Resistance – Just beyond the previous Classified Document and after you speak with a resistance fighter to learn about the sewers entrance, you will need to dismantle a wooden barricade to progress. Slide down the slope just after the barricade to reach a road with two soldiers. The Document is sitting on the box that the two are standing near.

- Resistance Report – Found in the interrogation room to the west of the map. There are a few ways to enter the room, with the easiest being using a secret path found in the room to the left of the locked door which takes you into the cell that has the Document. You can also loot a nearby officer for the key to the door or you can blow it open with a satchel. On the desk found inside the room is the Classified Document.

- Flagship Fuel Risks – On the second floor of the hotel where you find Personal Letter #1 are several locked doors. You are going to want to open the northern door. You can do this with a satchel or with a hotel key to can find in the building. Once inside, there is a safe you need to open with either another satchel or by using the code that you get from the Personal Letter also found in the church. You find the Classified Document in the safe.

- Priority Pick Up – The final Classified Document is found in the “Resistance Cafe” starting location at the west end of the map. Reach the top floor by going up the destroyed stairs and climbing up to a small landing to reach the door shown in the left image below. Once inside, you will find an attic entrance directly to the right. Climb up to find the Document sitting on the ground.

All 3 Hidden Items
- Stolen Tanto* – This Hidden Item is from a crate in the room that is locked once you enter the sewers. To open the door you can either use a satchel charge or the sewer door key. Once inside you will need a crowbar to pry open the crate, which is where you will find the Stolen Tanto Hidden Item.

- I-400 V2 Hanger* – After destroying three submarines, you will gain access to the northern part of the facility that you are infiltrating after the sewers. In this area, you will need to turn a trio of valves to destroy the fueling system of Operation Kraken. In the room above the Fuel Pump room (the area marked by the Primary Objective Markers) is where you will find this Hidden Item on a desk.

- An “Original” Adolf – This Hidden Item is found two floors up in the church tower. On your way up the second ladder, get off at the floor that shows up halfway through the climb. You can find the painting sitting in the corner.

All 3 Stone Eagles
- Stone Eagle #1 – This eagle can be found south of the map, but you can only see it from the “Sea Side Office” Starting Location building. Take the long and focused shot to hit the Stone Eagle.

- Stone Eagle #2 – The Stone Eagle is found on the northeast building that you head to at the end of the mission. You can take the long shot at the Eagle from the road to the east of the sewer entrance, as shown below.

- Stone Eagle #3 – This final Stone Eagle is sitting on top of the center window at the town hall window where you find this mission’s Kill List Target.

All 3 Workbenches
- Rifle Workbench* – This workbench is found directly to the left of the first enemies that you encounter after entering the sewers. You will need to open a locked door to access the workbench, which you can open with either the key that is found in a chest in the same room that you found the previously mentioned enemies or by blowing it open with a satchel.

- SMG Workbench – Across the street from the town hall building is a destroyed multi-floor building. Make your way to the top floor, which includes a jump and a climb up a hanging piece of wood, to find the Workbench.

- Pistol Workbench – This Workbench is found beneath the church, which has a few ways of entering. You can blow open a wall found on the road to the east of the church or can enter through a locked door found inside the church. This key can be found in a crate located at the top of the church tower with the sniper. Through the door is a hole in the ground which will lead you to the workbench, as will the previously mentioned hole you can blow into the wall.

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