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The final showdown against the Emperor is here. Luke, Leia, Han Solo, Lando, and everyone else arrive at Endor to bring down the Empire once and for all — or until the sequel trilogy. In the second half of Return of the Jedi, we’re blazing through three big levels. We’ll chase down speeders on Endor, join the Ewoks in a fight against the Imperial forces, and then fight Darth Vader on the deck of the Death Star 2. It’s non-stop action and adventure, and if you’re even lost or confused, we’ll show you how to progress. And how to find any minikits or level challenges we’ve collected along the way.
More Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga guides:
A New Hope Walkthrough Part 1 | A New Hope Walkthrough Part 2 | Empire Strikes Back Walkthrough Part 1 | Empire Strikes Back Walkthrough Part 2 | Return of the Jedi Walkthrough Part 1 | A New Hope All Minikits | Empire Strikes Back All Minikits | Return of the Jedi All Minikits | A New hope All Level Challenges | Empire Strikes Back All Level Challenges | Return of the Jedi All Level Challenges | Free Character & Vehicle Extra Codes | How To Unlock Studs x2 Early | Upgrades To Get Early
Mission: The Forest Moon
Before the Rebel Fleet can destroy the Death Star, a small team has to infiltrate the Imperial Base on Endor. Return to the Home One Hangar and ride the Imperial Shuttle. It’s parked in the hangar, and it’s the only one that will work! Travel back to Endor Space and fly into the level marker.
Level 3: Endor The Line

Welcome to the forest moon of Endor! Han and Chewie immediately get caught, so we’re playing as Leia and Luke. Drop down into the cover spots below and start blasting bad guys! More reinforcements will arrive once you clear the first group out.
- Minikit: Right at the start of the level, shoot the red alien LEGO birds flying about the Scout Troopers. Blast all three to earn a minikit.
- Minikit: In the starting area with the Scout Troopers, grab a fully trooper disguise with Leia and then throw a bomb at the silver LEGO lock on the caged trooper. Pick up the keycard he drops and use it on the terminal nearby. You can build a keycard terminal with hopping bricks, opening the Imperial LEGO container.
- Minikit: In the same starting area, find this minikit hidden in the bushes to the right of the speeders that arrive. Grab it before chasing down the escaping scouts!
- Level Challenge: No Safe Place – In the first encounter with the Scout Troopers, shoot the generator on the right. It will overload and explore, destroying the enemy’s cover.

Hop onto the speeder bikes that are left behind by reinforcements and chase the bad guys. You’ll be automatically accelerating, so you can focus on firing blasters and dodging incoming LEGO trees. Defeating four scouts on speeder bikes is your objective here.
- Level Challenge: Dodge This! – During the speeder bike sequence, you’ll pass by an AT-AT walker. Fly right under it, between the legs, to score a simple level challenge.
- Minikit: During the speeder bike chase sequence, a scout will eventually appear with a minikit on his bike. Defeat the trooper and they’ll drop it so you can take it.
Keep shooting down enemy speeder bikes and dodging trees. Once you clear enough bad guys, the chase sequence will come to an abrupt halt. Thanks to C-3P0, the Ewoks happily embrace Luke and friends. They’ll even show us the best way to reach the Shield Generator. Nice!
Level 4: The Chewbacca Defense

It doesn’t take long for Han to get captured. The Ewoks are here to save the day! Chewbacca teams up with Wicket to fight back the Empire. As Wicket, you can use Scavenger abilities to break cracked blue walls. Summon Wicket’s Breaker Blaster — a tutorial will appear if you’ve never used Scavengers. Be prepared for a fight against Stormtroopers ahead.
- Level Challenge: Helmet Drum Collection – During the first cover shooting section, land 3 headshots on the Stormtroopers.
- Nothing tricky here. During the first cover shooting section, score three headshots. Aim carefully!

After taking out the troopers, run toward the shielded turret until a cutscene shows an Ewok blasting it into bricks. Construct the bricks — you’ll have two options. You can build a Giant Hammer or an Ewok Horn. For this walkthrough, we’re building the Giant Hammer. Pull the orange handle to smash the LEGO crates, then construct to create a ladder leading up to the top of the ridge.
At the campsite ahead, defeat the troopers and smash the glowing LEGO crates. Build the hopping bricks to fix the lift up to the Ewok tree house platform. Along the path, you’ll find a wall. Use the blueprint with Wicket to learn the Net Launcher tool. Build the Net Launcher [hold B / Circle] then shoot a net at the X-shaped LEGO wall. Once the net is attached, you can climb over the wooden wall.

Over the wall, push the LEGO cart off the side of the platform, then use the Net Launcher to climb up to another blueprint. Use the blueprint to learn the Glider tool. Use the Glider with Wicket to cross the long gap and flip the switch to lower the bridge.
Destroying The Imperial Walker: As Chewie crosses the bridge, an AT-ST will appear from the forest. Aim for the two Ewok cages on the wooden platforms to the left and right of AT-ST walker. Once the two Ewoks are free, they’ll set off a trap and blow the Imperial Walker to bits.
Continue through the wooden platform path to swing onto some AT-STs. Now we get to control them and go on a rampage! Send the troopers packed with a taste of their own medicine.
- Minikit: In the AT-ST section, shoot down three speeder bikes that are zipping around to make a minikit spawn.
- Level Challenge: Ewok and Roll – Blast the loose rocks with the AT-ST to take out Stormtroopers.
-In the AT-ST section, look for a wall of loose LEGO rocks to the right just as you begin. Blast them and they’ll crumble, defeating any troopers underneath.
Approach the bunker to complete the level and save your pals. Next, we’re joining Darth Vader and Luke on the Death Star 2. It’s time for the final confrontation!
Level 5: Fulfill Your Destiny

On the Death Star 2, we’ll have to reach Palpatine’s Throne Room — and you’ll need Darth Vader to do it. In this open-world area, use your Force power to Influence the Stormtrooper at the locked door. Take control and unlock the Imperial Terminal with the trooper. In the second room, Influence the guard behind the glass to stand on the red button, then Influence a stormtrooper nearby to use the Imperial Terminal and unlock the last door. The way to the final mission is clear.
BOSS: Darth Vader – We’re fighting Darth Vader. Again! This is a Jedi Battle, just like the end of Empire Strikes Back. Dodge, unleash a few combos, and complete any QTEs you get caught in. After defeating him once, Luke retreats to a high platform. Press the button prompts that appear to dodge Vader’s lightsaber throws. After the bridge falls, Luke has to hide from Vader.

To hide from Vader, stay outside the yellow vision cone that appears. As long as you’re in the dark around and not standing in Vader’s vision cone, he won’t be able to find you. If you are caught, you’ll just start the second phase of the boss battle faster.
- Level Challenge: Make your way past Vader without being detected.
- Complete the first phase of the Darth Vader boss fight. When Luke falls into the dark area, avoid him until a cutscene plays. Don’t get caught! You just need to stay out of Vader’s yellow vision cone. If you get too close, he’ll also hear you and turn to look.
Defeat Darth Vader a second time, and the old Sith Lord will finally come to his senses. Instead of fighting with Luke, the father and son duo work together to battle Emperor Palpatine.

BOSS: Emperor Palpatine – The Emperor immediately unleashes a torrent of electricity. Shielding yourself with your saber, redirect the blast to the Emperor to give him a zap. More guards will pour into the arena. These guys are way tougher than your average troopers. Use combos by pressing a variety of different buttons — attack, jump and build. As you fight, the Emperor will summon lightning blasts on your position so keep moving to avoid a mean jolt.
- Level Challenge: Let the Hate Flow Through You – Cause damage to one of Palpatine’s guards by luring them into one of his attacks.
- In the final battle against Emperor Palpatine, he’ll summon red Royal Guards to fight you. During this fight, he’ll also blast you with lightning attacks. Stand near one of the guards and let the blast hit you and a guard at the same time.
To finally bring an end to the Empire, defeat each wave of guards then redirect the Emperor’s lightning back at him. At 50% health, he’ll jump down and unleash stronger blasts. Complete the QTE by mashing the button prompts, move the cursor onto the Emperor, and you’ll finally free the galaxy from tyrranny. I’d call that a job well done! That’s one trilogy done and two more to go.